Sorry I couldn't reply sooner, gents. Being a weekend, I'm not at work and,
well, as you know, I have no video card in my home computerI just put
my kids' Ti4400 back in my computer, in safe mode so I don't have to install
I appreciate all the replies. Here's some answers.
I didn't mean that I've taken this video card out to clean it 100's of
times, I meant I've done it 100's of times on all the cards and computers
I've owned and worked on in the past. I was an IBM value added dealer in the
mid '80's, so I've been doing this stuff since the 8088's, XT's and AT's
were out.
AS5 isn't an electrical conductor (maybe it is under extreme pressure), but
I suppose it could create capacitance to some degree. I'm very careful about
using small amounts of compound and keeping it where it belongs. I've been
over the card several times, with a magnifiying glass under bright light,
and there's no excess compound anywhere. There is no damage to the
components on the card. I'm very careful not to touch the card edge
connector, which is very prone to static damage; but, I make sure it's
cleaned before reinstalling the card. The gpu is shiny and not cracked.
With the card installed, I measured the back side of the molex connector and
the correct voltages are there (-4.9v and 12v I believe). My kids' card
works in this computer (obviously, since I'm using it now) and my 9800
doesn't work in their's.
Using the DVi won't make a difference because the card won't get past post
(but I appreciate Ted's kind words and suggestion).
All the suggestions were very good. Pretty much what I was looking for
(thanks). I don't have any socketed components, so nothing loose there. Just
before I shut down (in a few minutes), I'll bump the AGP voltage up to 1.65
and see if that helps. I don't want to leave this card in at that voltage.
As a last resort, I'll try blasting the pc board for a few moments with hot
air from my wife's hair dryer. It's a long shot, but it used to work on the
old 8" floppy drives.
I'll probably end up RMA'ing this card. The ramsinks were installed with AS
Thermal Adhesive mixed 50/50 with AS5. So, theoretically I can remove them
but it may leave a mess. I'm probably better off leaving them on. If they
take it, I agree that it would probably be at least 2 months before I see a
The best prices I can find on 6800's and 6800GT's is BestBuy (surprise).
Even if I didn't like the brand, I could return them if I didn't like the
performance gain. But, as Kendt suggested, it's a bad time to buy a card.
BestBuy is out of them. The MSI 9800Pro looks good, too. If I stay with a
9800, that'll be the one. Price/performance #'s on anandtech's site is
somewhat useful.
Maybe my kids will end up with a 9800Pro if ATI fixes it.
Did you tell us what's the power of your power supply ?
Because if your video card is under power the system wont boot.
If it was working before and now no. It would mean that your psu might want to past out.
for the use of my 9800pro i had to buy my self a 450 watts inspire (430watt effective) psu for the
replacement of my old psu 300w rated not effective that one was smelling really bad under heavy
gaming like splinter cell Pandora tomorrow.
i hope for you it not that, heuh!! $$$