I quit smoking tomorrow......oh no!!

Well done Waynos_Face.
Waynos_Face said:
9 weeks today boys and girls.

To be honest some days i don't even have an urge to smoke whereas others i will constantly want to smoke, but the urges are pretty easy to ignore or push aside now.

Some interesting facts, although i have increased the risk of cancer to myself by around 60% i can look forward to my lungs not being permanently damaged and actually regenerating healthy tissue.

Another bonus, i have so far saved £274 in 9 weeks, which hopwfully by mar will have matured into £1200 and i can buy a shiny new computer.

Once again thanks for all the comments and support, you are most kind, i will leave a plate of mince pies on the window sill as a gesture of thanks.

Well done mate. Very well done.

I wish others I know and I love had the same courage and determination that a lot of you guys and girls in here do

Yes Flops smoking is EVIL and people only learn as you say after the effects. And even then they continue in some cases...............
