I see every day folks complaining about ATI drivers well I have a 9700
pro combined with 2500 Barton system with 1 gig of ram and I have never
had any
problems with my graphics.
I run the following game with no issues
MS century of flight
BattleFeild 1942
and so on
so I don't know why there are so many out there that have problems
maybe they should not upgrade there drivers just to upgrade drivers
I am still using 4.11
You should only upgrade your drivers if you have issues that have been
corrected in the new drivers release else stick with what you have..
and don't forget to follow the directions to install the new ones....
ASUS A7N8X Deluxe
2500 Barton
1gig PC3200
120 gig SATA
ATI 9700 pro
I have a 9700 Pro AIW. I don't use the TV capabilities though.
here is my issue. I play Rome: Total War and Battle for middle earth
frequently. Using Cat 5.1s I get optimal performance out of Rome it
but BFME crashes. With 5.2 and 5.3, BFME doesn't crash but Rome easily
slowed down.
I'm about to test 5.4, but odds are that Rome will still perform
what drivers can I use? Omega didn't make a 5.1, only 4.12 and 5.2. I
though about DNA drivers, although I don't know the install routine for
them. I need some advice here cause it seems like im totally screwed.
i run all the mentioned first person shooters and rome.
i currently use cat5.2 from ati. the 5.2s did not kill my hl2
framerate as some tech-site review claimed it would i previously used
ati's cat5.1 as well as omega's 5.1 [omegas claim is my monitor as a
plug & play monitor with max res of 1600x1200 but as its a 1280x1024
flat panel i binned them for ati's that recognise my monitor
correctly] - i've had zero gfx problems.
i had zero gfx problems with the 4series cats before that - i only
tried 5.1 because they were current when i did my 6monthly reinstall;
i used the 5.2s which were current when the hdd failed a month later -
otherwise i'd still be on 4.something which worked fine & were stable.
my card is a 'built by ati' 9700pro therefore the ati drivers are
specifically suited to my card. on the other hand, those using ati
chipset cards manufactured by other companies should use drivers from
their particular manufacturer as the design may deviate from ati's
barton 3000/333
abit nf7 s2g
512mb [2x256] pc3200
that said, from all the posts in ngs & forums i've seen over the
years, all-in-wonder cards can be problematic for many
implementations, i've not seen many posts indicating fixes, though.
i also remember reading somewhere that all-in-wonder cards do not give
anywhere close to the game performance of corresponding non wonders,
ie - your 9700pro a-i-w will not provide the same game performance my
9700pro will.
as you don't use the a-i-w functionality, why didn't you just buy a
dr ratt