I need a good 64bit Linux distro

Hello tjm4fun,

Thanks for that and yes, I personally have difficulty in reading ... Linux Users Instructions ... none seem to take into account that a "newbie" I do hate that word is as thick as two short planks and as soon as Linux Users understand this the better.

I am speaking on a VERY personal bases here so, no offence intended to other newbie Linux users.

Lets step back a moment ... I have nearly 20years "experience" with Windows, any windows, but I only know about 20% of its inner workings. You really only need to "learn" the rest if you have a problem. Prior to that I used CPM and DOS and 2 years programming in DBase. But I'll be damned if I can get my head around Linux.

Let me first tell what I have learned;
Suse Linux is dam easy to install ... and from here on in, I refer to Linux as Suse & vice-versa, as there is or can be some real differences in "Distros" of Linux.

Ok, I have learned how to "Log off & re-log on" ... sounds sad, but the first time I was told to do this I actually restarted Linux. AGAIN I say, I am not getting at or trying to upset anybody but the fact FOR ME is I needed to be told first ... HOW to "log of" ... you see, I never ever used or setup Windows that way either. ;)

I have learned that to use "ROOT" one has to use a Konsole or Terminal and then we can "total screw things up" if not careful.

I have learned how to use the Konsole to "see" what THINK is doing and if it is indeed running ... dead chuffed with learning that one. :D


Five days and I still can't use a Floppy Disk ... sorry Linux but you should have at least "mounted" a bloody floppy drive for crying out loud. :rolleyes:

You gotta laugh, you have really, I mean here is a guy who thinks he's quite intelligant nearly in tears in frustration 'cos he can't get a bloody drive to be accepted. hehe, and Google has no idea either how to install a second drive in Linus ... 25,846,153 hits on how to install Linux, err, that was NOT my question, donut. :rolleyes:
You see even Google needs to be told the word is "MOUNT" not install/setup/look for/see/wtf is it ... the "terminology" needs to be learnt first.

Hey, I'm actually smiling. :p
That's why I said you were brave to wipe your Windows and use Linux only. ;)

Let's see.. can't "mount" floppy in user because we don't have permission set.

Can put it on the desktop in Root (remember how I said to put USB drive on desktop?) but can't mount it there either because it's the wrong file type?

Ahh, who needs USB and floppy drives, anyway? Evidently not a SuSe user.
Lucky we are allowed to use cd and dvd drives, I guess. :rolleyes:

tongue in cheek here
No need for toungue-in-cheek ... you have hit the nail on the head.

My Google searches comfirm it to be a "Bug" in Suse 9.3, and they are aware of it ... the sad thing is, since April. :rolleyes:

Looks like I'm looking for a new Distro ... :(

... and I still haven't learnt how to do a screen shot. :D
screenshot in suse-
In the suse bar- (start bar) choose Graphics- Image Editing. That opens Gimp. Configure Gimp. Then in Gimp choose File- Aquire- Screenshot, and set it to how ever many seconds delay and whole screen or single window and Grab. Open "untitled", and choose File - Save as- Name it, and choose a file extention.
There are other programs to get a screenshot in Linux, but I don't see any others installed in SuSe.
Hehe ... good init, now how do I KILL a YaST2 LVM Configuration.

Mucks is well on the way to KILLING SUSE :D


  • lvm.webp
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Mucks, you might want to give Mepis a try. I know it picked up USB Media Reader. I'll have to see it will pick up on a USB hd.

Be back in few.
Hot dog ... it works. :thumb:

but I cannot KILL that little bugger ... :D

... and I don't care. HAHAHAHAHA ... 'cos I know where the re-set button is on the front of my case. :cool:
ladypcer said:
Mucks, you might want to give Mepis a try. I know it picked up USB Media Reader. I'll have to see it will pick up on a USB hd.

Be back in few.
... is it pretty, huh?... don't want no drab looking desktop. ;):D

Oh, mucks you idiot, just go and 'ave a look. What time is the next plane, no, the Internet is quicker. :cool:
Downloading "Simply Mepis 3.3" ... is that the right one, and only one CD?

Can't stop that YaST2 running, but it aint "hanging" the rest of the PC up. :cool:
Yep, only one cd. You can run it as "live cd" first and make sure it sees your internet connection, etc. If everything looks ok, then choose "install to hard drive". It's super easy. :)

The desktop can be changed to be as pretty as you desire. ;)

Mepis 3.3.x would be a good choice.
It saw both the USB hard drive and media card, but didn't like the "media".
Floppy worked after I fiddled with it a bit.
On 50% download now ... 27mins to go. :thumb:

One CD, and Suse needed ALL five CDs :rolleyes:
Ok, this is my desktop in Simply Mepis.


  • desktop.webp
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and this is my messy (at the moment) desk :D


  • desk2.webp
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Get out of here ... that is NOT a messy desk, no you aint gonna see mine, well not till I get my camera back off my bruver.

97% ... 'n counting. ooo, it's like xmas again. :D
Seems pretty messy to me. :D

Take a tour- tower on the top left is my Winders tower.
Top right, that's apart is running Overfoldix as a live cd. I think I've narrowed down it's freezing up problem to the hard drive, so I'll be replacing that.
Bottom left black case is running Simply Mepis.
Bottom right bronze case is running SuSe 9.3.
Tour over. :D
Lady, I can assure you, that aint messy.

Now, please stand back, we is done downloading and we is about to kick ... assumptions. :D
You know what happens when you assume. ;)

Good luck and hope to see you soon. :)
I'm back ... in Suse. :rolleyes:

Sorry m'Lady, but no keyboard or mouse ... well I did have a keyboard, my old ps2 was still attached just in case my new Belkin USB wireless did not work. For Mepis, it did not 'see' my Logitech MX700 mouse nor the Belkin ... now where did I put my ps2 mouse? What was thankfull is that Mepis was able to use the Window Key as the Start Button ... Suse wont. :rolleyes:

So I haven't had a 'play' yet. :(

What shall we try next, Mandrake? :D
I'm downloading PCLos ... one CD again off a nice fast server, we'll see what this one can do. :D

Looks really pretty too. :cool:

I'll do some housework while I wait ... :D
Sorry about the wireless. I never use em since I use KVM's. All of mine are wired.