The Central Scrutinizer
David W. Hodgins said:Your a new poster here. Every once in a while, some m$ paid patsy
shows up to claim their software is good, and I suspect you are
another silly m$ employee.
Are you serious?
You're also obviously new to usenet
Sure I have been posting to usenet since the late 1980's early 1990's.
Eventually, I expect you'll learn to trim your articles, of you'll
find yourself plonked by all of the regular posters here.
M$ has purchased another anti virus application. I expect, within
a year or two, they will give up trying to maintain it, just like
they did before, with MSAV.
religious psycho babble.
I've gotten so frustrated trying to maintain systems where the
fools who designed them made the mistake of using M$ software,
that, yes, I really dislike the company.
Uh oh...
religious psycho babble.
For you to call me an idiot for blaming m$ for producing crapware,
instead of good software, just shows who the real idiot is.
Sure... religious psycho babble.
I find it amusing, that you are afraid to use your real name.
Are you serious with that???
I'm laughing at your silly reply.
Yeah me too...