Go and crawl back under the rock you came out from under, little man.
The advice you are giving people here is incorrect.
There may be a damages claim issued in court against you for purposeful,
misleading information.
You had better get out of here, quickly!!!!!!!
The advice you are giving people here is incorrect.
There may be a damages claim issued in court against you for purposeful,
misleading information.
You had better get out of here, quickly!!!!!!!
wheelman said:mvp,s monitoring what we post..what we say.they don not like negitive things
said about vista..i thought we had freedom of speech in this country..maybe
not in micorsoft world..
mvp---- are you telling me you do not get compasated by microsoft..or some
one else..for monitoring this site and us..tell us the truth...
i have not seen any one attacked,,when they say something positive..
just attacked for something negitive...like you said something about my
i will spell any way i want..tooo
who is suposed to be montioring these attackers..the people useing the four
letter words
i read the rules..why are they not geting banned or something
like this guy mick murphy,,he is one of them
i dont mind him calling me dumb or guy or stupid or the other things..but i
do mind the four letter
words...the foul words..
you people have no problem finding me and saying something against me and
takeing up for vista
so i know you read the attackers post..who,s job is it todo something to
these people and uphold the rules of this site..
MVP,S i hope