I dont get it ?!

Mar 10, 2005
Reaction score
ok the problem is at the time of post there is 1141 users online ... and not any new posts ! :(

dont get me wrong but i love this forum but atm there isnt much activity going on with posts ... its been like this for a good week now ! :(

could it be we have answered everything !! :D

i thought i would start this thread off just because i was bored :o and i needed a talk !! :)

o yes !! on find a drug i have finished my first job !! :D and about 20% into the next one ... can someone explain the point in it ?! im sure its doing cool things but i have never got the idea behind it ???

thanks G~MAN
I just made a similar post in the modding section. I guess since we have so many stickies... and we've answered soo many questions... people are ACTUALLY finding the answers they need in the older posts. But I definatley agree, soo many users and so little action, this bored used to keep me plenty occupied. I think its a lot of people just playing games now.
i will soon be playing games !! :D

but yes there isnt much 'action' atm ... but i think when the new ATi cards come out ( if they ever do!! :p ) i will have a few questions to answer :D ...

have you ( Raje ) played D.O.D 2 yet ? im nt sure if your a gamer but i heard its good !! and has anyone played with HDR on any games yet ?? if so whats it like ... there are a lot of mixed reviews !
You don't get it? Nor do I, just lately....

All Forums go through highs and lows.

We have a strong core of regulars here, of which I'm proud to be a part of. We also get a lot of guys, breeze in, ask one question, then gone. Don't even bother to say thanks sometimes. That kinda ****** me off sometimes, but c'est la vie.

Autumn's here, winter's around the corner, traffic will probably pick up.

In the meantime, thrill to Mucks getting his knickers in a twist over Linux and people jumping up and down with steam coming out of their ears about the highs/lows of anything Ipod related ;)

You know it makes sense :D

Got any good recipes?
The forum is a bit 'Still' lately, but as Flops said i'm sure it'll change when we all get snowed under :p

I did leave for a bit but now i'm back to participate in Find-A-Drug as i like to help charity...
I know what you mean, although there are over 100 new posts a day, it has been a little slower than usual. Things will no doubt pick up soon... as Floppy says, there are always high and low patches :)
Actually, if any of you guys can think of a way that the forums could be promoted a bit more on the site, do let me know :)
G~MAN said:
i will soon be playing games !! :D

have you ( Raje ) played D.O.D 2 yet ? im nt sure if your a gamer but i heard its good !! and has anyone played with HDR on any games yet ?? if so whats it like ... there are a lot of mixed reviews !

To be honest no... I am a gamer.. but I'm so strapped lately.. I'm saving for a 360 so maybe then I will have more... For good reviews on the game I would check out EBgames site. Sorry no hyperlink... can't see the site at the moment.
You need more people with computer problems but how to get them here I wouldn't have a clue. There are just far too many pc forums around and new ones arriving daily.
Actually there is activity on the forum but I guess the sections which are active are not interesting to some, I did not think the activity was going down, take a look at the Crunchers Corner and Linux and there is a lot of activity there. Some core forums like Hardware and support are sure a bit slow and that may be giving the impression to people here of activity going down.
If you guys are at a loose end? why can't i put smilies in my posts like you can??
Well I'll admit ... I aint been here that much either. :eek: especially in Crunchers Corner. But hey! I'm not the only cruncher here ... bad results overnight too, but we still moved up a spot.

Myself and Ladypcer have had a running conversation over Linux, which has generated some interest from the 'outside' ... Would love to know how many people have viewed those postings Ian ... but I'm also having a running discusion at another forum ... simply due to the lack of Linux users here at PCR.

The Linux battle will continue and I'll continue to "double" post here and there ... but just a thought, instead of 'moaning', ok too strong a word, but you know what I mean, why not pose a question or two yourselves.

Floppy mentiond food, ;) that's always a good one, revive some of the old posts with updates ... heck, start a "Blog Post" of something interesting you did this week. That should be a good one.

Don't want anymore negative post like this one ... do something yourself. :D
If you click on "Post Reply" instead of using the quick reply at the bottom, you should have a drop down box to insert them into the code :)
muckshifter said:
... Would love to know how many people have viewed those postings Ian ...

You can do :D Just view the forum that the thread is in, and at the far right is a view counter :)
If one participates in every thread that is posted there WILL be plenty of activity, so anyone who participates will NEVER feel that the activity is going down.

If every member here makes it a point to start atleast one thread per week I can assure you that there will be more activity than anyone can handle, even if regular members post one thread per week it will be more than anyone bargained for.


Post away! :D

Wondering what Mucks thinks of this post.....;)
Linux - way to go!

muckshifter said:

I'm busy building up the Linux section, I'll let you take over for a while. ;)

My present laptop had a 40 gig HD so could not set it up for a Linux partition for dual boot but when I get my new laptop I plan on installing Linux on it so be on your toes for a barrage of questions from me :D
No, I meant for you to take over the rest of the forums.

... But you can ask as many Linux questions as you like ... I probably will not have the answer though. :D
OK Mucks, here's one from me....

What is Linux please????? Could you make the answer relatively easier for the uninititated to understand???


Gabs xx