i cant set affinities

ok thanks for the links
1) i already had the amd driver it installed but i aint sure if i have to do anything else with it do i??
2) i got the hotfix thing but what do i do with it if the answer is nothing i hasnt changed anything
no you just install them and hopefull it will work, if not the only other solution i can think of is a complete reinstall
o that sucks ill go onto the amd forums and post something there and i wil see what responses i get but thanks for all of your help
ok new problem i was just going through the steps agin because i was on the amd forums and all the option i did have are now gone like the acpi multiprocessor pc option and then amd k8 driver all those i took some screen shots to show


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what happens if you uncheck the compatible hardware box ? or it could be because your already using it
i unchecked it and it oly showed the k7 driver but then i rebooted the system and it sed found new hardware (k8 processor) and installed teh driver but with the acpi driver it isnt showing a multiprocessor driver
im gonna be honest and say i dont know, i've been searching the web and cant find anything, have you tried asking over at the AMD forums ? someone there should know what to do
ya im gona try to post on teh amd forums but the prob is is that this thing has bn posted on several times before so it sounds like there is a prob with something that is causing other people problems aswell im on the amd forums and im looking i will post if i figure how to fix it but thanks for all your ideas and help
so i have to do a clean install otherwise im ****ed about using both the cores ok im ****ed cus i didnt install the mb or processor cus i brought the cmo into the store because windows crashed and at the same tim i wanted to do a few upgrades so they said they would fit them and do a fresh windows install but from the sounds of it they dont know what they are doing
it seems that way, they probably installed over the top of the old one which is why it thinks that its still a single core system, it needs to have complete HD format and before the reinstall
but it was a new hd cus there was a hd failure wel that is what i was told so i will call em up 2mrro and they will fix it for meor els!:p
i have no idea now, if you've got the time sit and watch them do it and start it up to make sure its right before you take it home