I am back

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

My fiancee's brother had broken his arm at least twice whilst growing up. Rough and tumble kind of kid he used to be with no fear.

Hope the arm starts healing pronto.
Off for another check up at the fracture clinic today. Fingers crossed all goes well :thumb:
Wishing you the very best of luck Evan, hope you receive some good news today. :thumb:
Well that went sort of ok. My arm is still broken, but it is eventually starting to mend itself. Dr thinks it will take around another 2 months or so. She said while at home if I am sitting on the sofa I can take it out the sling for a few hours, but if I am walking around a bit , then to put it back in the sling. Got a few exercises I need to do every day as well. She also said if I wanted I can go swimming as well ( doggy paddle mind you ) All i've wanted to do wa swim since coming out the hospital. Taking the weight of my other limbs and joints will be heaven :thumb:
Your news sounds a lot more encouraging this time Evan, glad to hear that. Hope you'll enjoy your longed-for, float around the pool too. :thumb: