I am back


Silly Fool
Jun 20, 2010
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I am back after 3 weeks in Barnet General Hospital. On the 24th February I got knocked over in Potters Bar. Broken Fibula and Tibia in my right leg. Had surgery to insert an 18 inch titanium rod down the center of my Tibia plus about 8 screws. Also broke my left humeros right up at the top near my shoulder. For that just a sling at the moment. If it doesn't start healing then an op will be needed to insert a titanium rod. It feels so good to be back home after 3 weeks
Hi Evan

Sorry to hear of your accident but glad your on the mend, someone on the forum posted that they wondered where you was, I wasn't sure as seemed to only see you around now and again anyway, glad your back with us again though...Chin up! :nod:
Hospitals, ugh! ... on the mend, jolly good. :)
Lame, doesn't sound like much fun mate. Glad your back.

What happened, knocked off your bike or something?
What happened, knocked off your bike or something?

I was walking up to my brothers place in Potters Bar. Crossed the main road at the pelican crossing lights without a problem, then went to cross the small service road that runs along side the main road. Looked both ways a few times and saw nothing so proceeded to cross. The next thing I remember was looking up at my brother wondering what the hell went on. Apparently a woman in a 4 x 4 car hit me. She is adiment she was doing less than 30 mph and didn't see me. I wonder what she was doing that she can be so sure she was doing less than 30. Maybe on her phone ? Police have taken statements from 5 people, 3 of whom are actually best friends with the driver. And 2 statements from 2 other passers by who gave a complete different account of what happened. It's now a waiting game to see what the police do.

The funny bit is I get constant calls from no win no fee companies and I always tell them to sod off, and now I might need one :lol:
Ooouch Fib & Tib break can be nasty & very painful, but you now know that!!
And left humeros, very painful and hope it heals.
If you are out of pocket you could always make a claim?
You might want the Police to check her mobile records to see if she was using it prior to the crash.
And that is the problem with big 4x4's they are not people friendly!!

Glad to hear you are on the mend & well enough to log on.
Good luck in your recovery, Evan.:thumb:
Glad you're OK now.

All the best to a good recovery. :)
Can't believe it Evan. Doing less than 30?, my lilly white !$&**@. Probably on the phone or speeding to get home as we all know that driving that much faster is going to make all the difference when you step in that door 2 minutes earlier. Hmmmmm, drive safe and get home 2 minutes later than I could or enjoy the chance of that extra 2 minutes home and risk causing someone great pain or death hmmmmmmm. Idiots everywhere!. "Oh it won't happen to me, I'm a great driver, my car is made of bubbles, this 4x4 with reinforced front steel bars can't hurt anyone". Well let me take a steel bar and smack it against their side at just 10mph. Would hurt I'm sure.

You should deffinately look to get compensation. A woman here at work was shunted by another car and she got over £3000 for what she said was whiplash etc. Having metal pins in your body is proof enough that it wasn't simply a case of the woman doing less than 30 and being in full control whilst walking away with just a few scuffs. Is she trying to say she didn't have her head lights on. Really annoys me people like her.

Do you think the government weighs this up and thinks "well we don't want to take their licence away or we won't get the extra money. So what 100s get killed because of drivers like her, as long as it doesn't happen to my family hehehe".

Toss ..... ers

Has this hit a nerve. Damn right!. My brother had to have his leg in a cast for a while due to some idiot running him over in a car park. In a car park!!!. What did he hear? the 4 minute warning or something.
Oh Evan ...you poor guy! :eek: What a horrible (and painful) experience. I'm sorry to hear you were so badly injured and, hope your recovery and healing, will be as speedy as possible.

Hmm... three of the "witnesses" are the female driver's best friends..? Sounds like they might have been her passengers, unless they all just happened to be passing-by at that precise moment. Assuming they were in the car together, the driver might have been chattering, instead of concentrating. ......On the other hand, if they were just passing-by and the driver spotted them, perhaps her attention was totally centred on them (..."Oh look, it's Emma, Gemma and Chardonnay ...yoo-hoo...")

Anyway, it's good to see you back. :)
Ouch ! I got broken legs too so I know what you are going through. Eat loads of really healthy food and take small steps in the recovery process until you are fully recovered. This is the one time you need to take things slowly and carefully.

Best of luck. At least you can get in some decent gaming marathons now. :thumb:
:eek:Sorry to hear of your unfortunate accident and broken bones Evan, Get well soon and hope you do not have to go back in hospital to repair your arm. Get well soon and have my fingers crossed for your speedy recovery:nod:
Good news and not so good news.

I went for my check up at the fracture clinic on Friday. Dr's were very happy with the way my leg has healed so far. But sadly not happy about how my arm is healing, or should we say not healing. It is still broken. Although the Dr did say the bone is still in the same place as the last xrays which is apparently good. Gotta go back in 3 weeks time for another check up and if there is no progress with my arm, we will start talking operations. Not looking forward to that at all.

Attached image will give you a better idea of the break in my arm.

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:thumb:Great news about your leg Evan:thumb:. Really sorry to hear about your arm not doing so well but I am sure the sawbones (sorry about the pun) will put that right. Judging from the x-ray it is a difficult place to heal quickly as it is adjacent to the ball joint. Hope all goes well and in three weeks time it will have started to repair its self.
Hi Evan, sorry to hear the news from the fracture clinic was mixed, though it's good to hear that your leg is healing.

Here's hoping your arm will be starting to make progress by your next appointment. All the very best to you. :cheers:
Blimey I must have missed this topic when we were away, so sorry to hear about what happened to you! :(

Take it easy with your arm, I hope you don't have to have another op. It's really disappointing to hear that the woman driving is trying to say it wasn't her fault, sounds like she could do with some time away from the road!! :mad:
All the very best for the healing of that arm. Hope you get away without any complications and particularly no surgery.

Keep that pecker up.