Hello again, Ron.
Sorry for the delay - my email server didn't send me notification of your
Thanks for sending this CSS code. However, I don't understand something:
the "rollover" code I used consisted of one line of code, and two images --
period. The CSS code you show consists of eleven lines of style code. Apart
from CSS' elegance, why should someone like me -- who still only understands
half the CSS terms and syntax shown here (after ten hours of studying CSS
online) -- want to go that route?
After spending several weeks getting oriented to basic HTML and FP (using
tables for layout), I took your suggestion, and headed out to w3schools.com
for CSS tutorials. After a day there, it dawned on me that the tutorials
leave a great deal (eg, arcane values, like the aspect ratios used in
'font-size-adjust') unexplained. I therefore hiked out to w3.org's CSS2
documentation, and began a slow, uphill slog, just to understand its
language. Nevertheless, everything does seem to be there -- on all 300-plus
pages of dense technical language. Another twelve hours into it, it dawned
on me that to use CSS2 for layout means to learn it in a serious way. Since
it is a fundamentally different approach than using HTML tags, this would
entail a long period of learning, with trial and error, on the way to minimum
competence (some web-designers have posted articles saying one should allow
at least 6 months of steady practice for it). And here I was, expecting
that two weeks of steady study and practice would allow me to get a web page
onto the net via FP.
Am I wrong in concluding that it takes months to learn CSS sufficiently
enough to use DIV for layouts, rather than tables (as you suggested, in order
to vertically align a table)? Am I wrong to hope that there must be a way
of combining old HTML methods (like tables, and rollover code) with the
easier aspects of CSS (like fonts and text management), and still pass
HTML4.01 standards? If so, I think I'm gonna cut my (time) losses, and give
up -- I'm a (music) composer, not an aspiring pro web designer, and I should
properly be putting this amount of energy and time into own vocation.
I eagerly await your comments.
- Michael
Sorry for the delay - my email server didn't send me notification of your
Thanks for sending this CSS code. However, I don't understand something:
the "rollover" code I used consisted of one line of code, and two images --
period. The CSS code you show consists of eleven lines of style code. Apart
from CSS' elegance, why should someone like me -- who still only understands
half the CSS terms and syntax shown here (after ten hours of studying CSS
online) -- want to go that route?
After spending several weeks getting oriented to basic HTML and FP (using
tables for layout), I took your suggestion, and headed out to w3schools.com
for CSS tutorials. After a day there, it dawned on me that the tutorials
leave a great deal (eg, arcane values, like the aspect ratios used in
'font-size-adjust') unexplained. I therefore hiked out to w3.org's CSS2
documentation, and began a slow, uphill slog, just to understand its
language. Nevertheless, everything does seem to be there -- on all 300-plus
pages of dense technical language. Another twelve hours into it, it dawned
on me that to use CSS2 for layout means to learn it in a serious way. Since
it is a fundamentally different approach than using HTML tags, this would
entail a long period of learning, with trial and error, on the way to minimum
competence (some web-designers have posted articles saying one should allow
at least 6 months of steady practice for it). And here I was, expecting
that two weeks of steady study and practice would allow me to get a web page
onto the net via FP.
Am I wrong in concluding that it takes months to learn CSS sufficiently
enough to use DIV for layouts, rather than tables (as you suggested, in order
to vertically align a table)? Am I wrong to hope that there must be a way
of combining old HTML methods (like tables, and rollover code) with the
easier aspects of CSS (like fonts and text management), and still pass
HTML4.01 standards? If so, I think I'm gonna cut my (time) losses, and give
up -- I'm a (music) composer, not an aspiring pro web designer, and I should
properly be putting this amount of energy and time into own vocation.
I eagerly await your comments.
- Michael
Ronx said:A couple of years ago I would have said "Yes, that is the code".
Now I would use CSS to get the same effect with very little code, a
total of 2 images, and no Javascript.
<style type="text/css">
#nav {margin: 5px auto;width:560px;}
#nav br {clear: both; font-size: 0; line-height: 0;}
#nav ul {list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0;}
#nav ul li {width: 100px; float:left; vertical-align:middle;}
#nav a { height:30px; display: block; padding: 5px 10px;
vertical-align:middle; text-decoration: none; font-family: trebuchet,
Arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 85%; color:
blue; background: url('images/navbtnl.gif') no-repeat;}
#nav a:hover {color:green; background: url('images/navbtnh.gif')
<div id="nav">
<li><a href="#nav" id="home">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#nav" id="page1">Page 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#nav" id="page2">Page 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#nav" id="page3">Page 3</a></li>
<br />
Rest of page
The above is adapted from
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
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Ron, in relation to my last post (re. how to create a link bar without FP's
webbot), I THINK I may have figured it out (eight hours later!!!). Here's
the script:
<a href="[URL for hyperlink]"><img src=[gif I want to use for hyperlink
button] onmouseover=this.src="[gif I want to appear when mouse is hovering
over the button]" onmouseout=this.src="[first gif, above]">
It works when I try it in FP -- both in Preview and my Browser. (After
spending five hours trying to figure out my friend's website code, and trying
to teach myself javascript from scratch, I finally found a javascript forum
comment that showed that the friend's code was probably from DreamWeaver,
with impenetrable javascript. I eventually found the above solution on a
young guy's blog!) Is this similar to what you would suggest (the code, I
mean, not the wasted hours!)?
- Michael