How to use Outlook Express in Windows 7

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve Cochran
  • Start date Start date
As I indicate on the page, one can hack Win7 to get Windows Mail working
(see for instance As I
indicate there as well, WinMail has a number of bugs and features missing
from OE.



That's an interesting different link than what I had.
I had done this procedure successfully the beginning of the year and used
his method which at that point in time Poppa was posting at this forum but now I see you have your
link which is well done presented, actually I see he is still tending to
both places with each forum showing their last edit as

techspot: Last edited by Poppa Bear; 05-26-2010 at 09:43 PM..

sevenforums: Last edited by poppa bear; 05-15-2010 at 12:19 PM..
FromTheRafters said:
My mistake, I was thinking Windows Live Mail Desktop, not Windows

Oh I see.
I for one *hate* WLM.
Do you have Windows Mail on Windows 7?

Yes! Wirks really fine.
That's why I had said when asking Steve Chogran ;-)

The site I referenced for this is somewhat similar (

There is some question as to the legality of offering and downloading dlls and exes from sources other than Microsoft. You also don't know that those files are uninfected, so I would recommend downloading the dlls from Microsoft directly.

The latest dll's for Windows Mail in Vista can be obtained here:

To extract the dlls from the downloaded files see:

Steve said:
Where what? I don't understand the question.

As quoted below you had said:
"As I indicate there as well, WinMail has a number of bugs and
features missing from OE."

So my question was aimimg at *where* you had written (indicated) on bugs
and features missing from OE.

In the first paragraph on that page. I haven't made a complete list of WinMail bugs, as I did that for OE for over 8 years and it came to no good, as they came up with WalMail instead.

Steve Cochran said:
The site I referenced for this is somewhat similar

There is some question as to the legality of offering and downloading

Yes understand legalties.
dlls and exes from sources other than Microsoft. You also don't know
that those files are uninfected, so I would recommend downloading the

Yes we understand that, but as far as Poppa Bear goes, there are no worries
he's one trustworthy person, not only that, hex showed all files given at
both forums identical with MS's.
dlls from Microsoft directly.

The latest dll's for Windows Mail in Vista can be obtained here:

hex is same on this newer msoe.dll given at both compared to MS - so it's
all good.

Steve, I understand perfectly what Rainald has been asking you each of his
posts, and I had been wondering the same thing right along with hime as you
interestingly refer to... webpages , and the only thing I can surmise here
is that you are P.... B..., if that's true then God Bless ya for the Great
Work you have done there and I love it....! ..if it aint you then still
the same answer is that I've always seen you do great work helping others
in these fourms as well as many elsewheres, so it's all a win win for all
of us, thanks.

Thanks a lot, Steve, for that patient with me.
*Now* I've got it - you were referring to your page you had started this
thread with.

I had thoroughly read that prior to my first reply.
As to possible bugs I simply can not say. I've been using WinMail since
the Beta of Vista and can not recall to have bitten seriously. But this
may have to do with my head's senior moments :-( :-(
Apart from that two main points remain: The loss of the identities
feature and the "Contacts Pane". In so far peoples' taste and needs
I for one do not miss the "Contacts Pane" as I did not use it during all
the long years I had been using OE.
As far as the "identities" are concerned IMHO the designers did right
when eliminating this feature. If a computer is used by more than one
person the proper way IMO is to change the users not the identity in the

But that's "snow from last year".

Thanks again for not getting tired with me.
I feel honoured by the attention by such an important expert who has
done so much for the community of OE users. I really owe you much!

Steve said:
I wasn't trying to tell people what to do. Just providing options to
people, who want what they have to continue.

Well understood.
And I did not all want be criticizing!

I had just been wondering whether there might be relevant reason to make
the move back to OE.

Thanks again
Legal technicalities understood, and I support all the legalities.

My point is hex is the same on the files, but yes get them from MS.

I do support using OE in Win7 for those who want to, for the time being

An interesting tidbit (that's not really important since this ms access
server I'm using is soon to be turned
off) ...but fwiw, the tidbit is that within WXP using OE if you were to
right click on this forum> Properties> Local File> click the Delete button
(to delete all headers and message bodies)
....then Unsubscribe, then compact all folders to remove its dbx
file too, then ReSubscribe and download all the available messages
currently there on the server at -
which at this point goes only back to April 14th, but the interesting
tidbit Steve is that your original post starting this thread on
6/30/2010 is Not on the server anymore, neither is the first 4 or 5
replies, and this thread now shows up as.
Re: How to use Outlook Express in Windows 7/3/2010
...even though the servers store goes back to 4/14/2010
Whatever the reason is short lived anyway when they delete it for good.

The point is not all people can see your OP nor what you said in it, and so
never see your homepage link of if they
recently subscribed to this particular forum using

I knew you and your website from the early days via
microsoft.public.windows98 where you were helping way back then, iow,
you've been around many years too.

DAS said:
Why would you want to do that, if you have made a successful move to

However good OE is, it is marooned. Knowing this, I have to get to grips
-- very reluctantly -- with a move out OE while it is still relatively
easy in XP.

My issue is that I have many messages in bold and red-flagged, markings
I do not wish to lose. It just occurred to me that I could create

If you don't wish to loose them (because when they delete them off the
server they will auto remove out of your OE) ...then you'd better right
click to create a New Folder off of Local Folders, then go back and
highlight all the messages in this group that you want, then right click on
them and in one quick swoop copy them to that folder you just made.

dedicated folders to hold them (inbox ref flag, sent bold etc) if all
else fails. Would just take hours to transfer them...

Actually it would just take minutes.....

Hi Rick,

Rest assured that there are several usenet mirrors of this newsgroup that
perpetuate longer than does MS's. There are a number of other references to
that page being peppered around as well, so its references will persist.
The original message was posted on the msnews servers and included two now
defunct OE NGs as it was cross-posted, which is why perhaps it was removed.
Google also maintains the newsgroup posts if one searches Google groups.

I was just trying to provide an alternative to those who wished for one.

Thanks for your kind comments. I'm still kicking here. <G>



Yes I understand.

It was quick and easy to find your OP though I just used

...and came up with

...and seems like 100 other ones there too.

For years I've just used all the groups I had loaded in my newsreader from
MS, and GRC, and my other favorites, but when MS deleted so many of them a
few weeks ago about 6 of them disappeared from my reader as I opened them
that day. I know all the links for the new forums webbased and otherwise
though, I've just always like the style of the ones we've used here. No
problem though, I'm not too old to adapt <smile>

take care

WinMail is a big improvement in terms of the message store, but that wasn't completely finished and there are database problems, which is why I put out my Windows Mail Utility (see, but it has other rather annoying bugs, which just shows how little they actually put in to it and there was clearly no emphasis on quality.
