Comp Guy
My god, you really need to brush up on practical usage of a hyperbole.
That was not a hyperbole.
The most it could be was sarcasm. If it was, you might want try to make it
appear so in the future.
P.S. all that name calling does is make you seem like a 5 year-old.
And please explain how my logic is faulty ). You say one thing -quite
bluntly-, but yet you mean something else?
Yes, your post may have had the intention of being insulting, but it also
seemed like you wanted Pcyr to apologize.
Please be polite.
That was not a hyperbole.
The most it could be was sarcasm. If it was, you might want try to make it
appear so in the future.
P.S. all that name calling does is make you seem like a 5 year-old.
And please explain how my logic is faulty ). You say one thing -quite
bluntly-, but yet you mean something else?
Yes, your post may have had the intention of being insulting, but it also
seemed like you wanted Pcyr to apologize.
Please be polite.
Moose said:Ummm...whatever you say Cable Guy. Your logic is irrefutable.
p.s. You might want to add this word to your vocabulary so that in your
much anticipated future posts you may be able to avoid coming across as a
hy-per-bo-le (hi-purb-le).The act or an instance of exaggerating :
exaggeration, embellishment, embroidery, hyperbole, boasting, inflation,
bravado, magnification, overstatement.
tryingComp Guy said:"In other words, there is absolutely no way for you to correct your rude
behavior other than for you to apologize"
Sounds like you wanted him to apologize.toabsolutelyelicit an apology?
My post was meant to be nothing other than insulting.
You expect him to apologise after you talk like that? Sounds hypocritical
to me.
After you answer almost every post about these pop-ups, then you can talk.
I wonder how many users have come to this NG, not bothered to run a
but instead of asking the worlds biggest FAQ, they see this, and their
problem is solved.
Wonder why MS hasn't removed this like they do to other top posts? (That
was a rhetorical question BTW.)
That language is not helpful one bit, and doesn't exactly add any support
your views.
Please be polite.
Despite all your idiotic mutterings, the simple fact is that you post
your innanities so we all have to see this tripe at the top of our
for months to come and be reminded that usenet is overpopulated with
cases of arrested development. Also, no one gives a simple rat's ass
your educational pursuits and your need to post such drivel does not
your esteem in this ng one iota. In other words, there isWINDOWSno
for you to correct your rude behavior other than for you to apologize,
you're wrong, wrong, wrong and then contemplate doing yourself in and
daily diary of that contemplation so we can encourage your progress.
get started you little prig.
*Note* These Pop-ups are part of Messenger Service and *NOTneedOR
For Messenger Service ads:
You need to install or enable a firewall:
*Note* Unless properly and, unfortunately, manually configured, ALL
Messenger file transfers, voice conversations, and video conversations
fail to connect. (If anyone knows how to properly configure the
firewall, please post how.)
Disabling Messenger Service can be a good idea, but it does not solve
real problem.
The ads are not the real problem, the ads are only a symptom of a
issue. The real problem is open ports that allow unwanted traffic
Disabling Messenger does nothing for the open ports. You woulduser.a
firewall that controls the traffic.
Although not an obvious problem, open ports can lead to larger
as hackers, and backdoor Trojan viruses.
The above solution will not work if you have AOL as is not compatible
Windows XP Internet Connection Firewall (ICF). If you have AOL, you
contact AOL and/or get a 3rd party firewall. [Why would you being
in the first place, no offence, but check out this link (QuickTime
http://www.ebaumsworld.com/aolcommercial.html, as well as (no player
required) http://www.ebaumsworld.com/aoldisks.shtml]
Disable Messenger Service:
Start/Control Panel, click Administrative Tools, click Services.
Go down to "Messenger".
Right click "Messenger" and select Properties.
Hit the Stop Button under Service Status section
Then under Start-up select DISABLE
Click OK and follow prompts
(Post has been modified, but was originally posted by anotherI
remember their username.)
Check out http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com for amazing tweaks and fixes
Member of "Newsgroups are for everyone" (Perdita X. Dream is a
self-righteous, ruthless, bitchy net-cop too!)
Email address is fake to prevent SPAM.
Real email address is pcyr2000 AT hotmail DOT com
Change the obvious to the obvious.