Wayne said:
That's only true when "users" access resources. But a computer executes
code just fine when nobody is logged on and nobody authenticates.
When I said nobody is "required" to logon, that's exactly what I meant.
Furthermore, there is no excuse for how rude and arrogant you are.
You're simply WRONG, in all the meaning of that word. The shame and
emabarrassment is entirely yours.
Well clarity in your posts would be of great help in someone else solving a
problem of yours next time.
As far as using a computer, my way of "using" requires user-level interaction...
as in physically activating something, coming into contact with in an effort to
cause an effect. I use a pen to write, I use a hammer to drive a nail, I use the
phone to place a call.... etc. Do you understand what it is I am trying to say
here? I do admit to being to being short in my posts, but it was your ignorance
that instigated the rudeness in all of our posts on this thread. We obviously
have different meaning for the word "use". Your meaning of "use" is not at all
near my meaning, which has been the way I have known it all my life.
An example on the clarity (might better had said "you being wrong")
wdsnews said:
Thanks for your attention. We're using WinXP Pro on a Domain network. It
create's a profile for each user. There is also an "All Users" profile and
a "Default" profile. But when nobody is logged on, the Default profile info
is used.
That is 100% incorrect. Yes, there is an All Users profile, in the \Documents
and Settings folder of the system drive. However, there is no Default profile.
This whole flaming thread has been about one person's meaning of one word in
comparison with another. I regret ever attempting help, and I regret ever
replying to useless threads.
So long, best of luck getting it to work.