Beladi Nasrallah
There are important things in
life than to worry about your new PC.
Over the past 3 years, everyone with a pulse got a new PC, and an LCD
screen with it. The performance of my PC was al'right for me. Besides,
I use an LCD at home, and I wanted to use a CRT just for a nostalgic
value (and better image quality as well). However, there are moments
when you realise that something which had to be done since long time
ago, has to be done now. It was this moment. Firstly, the employer
redesigned the internal website a few months ago. It was obviously
targeted at people with LCD screens, because my screen did not fit the
whole menues anymore. Thus my PC became inoperable; I could not use
the web-based system to order things. But the penny dropped only few
days ago when I could not work with a large (30 MB) document sent to
me by my boss -- the MS Word screen froze for good each time when
AutoSave activated. It probably had to do something with the corrupted
Windows, however I thought it was time to replace the PC, and thus to
fix the whole lot of accumulated problems.
I was not expecting anything extraordinary, and I did not behave as a
"spoilt child" as some of you perceived. I did not want to obtain the
used stuff discarded by other people (however little it was used). All
of the other people got _new_ computers which was the standard. So
that I would expect the same. By the way, I am employed by the