This appears to still be available at this writing, although I understand
Microsoft is attempting to remove it from circulation.
Download, run to install. After installation, it will be listed in Start,
All programs.
Run it, and you will see a list of programs for which it can remove the
installer traces. Typically, one would remove just the one which is causing
a problem, and then, ideally, reinstall that program and then uninstall--to
get a cleaner uninstall.
BE FORWARNED, however, about the issue with Office. In your case, with
Office97, I'm not sure how significant this is--I don't believe the online
OfficeUpdate or MicrosoftUpdate mechanisms cover Office 97, and I don't know
whether the currently unpatched vulnerability exists in Word97, or, indeed,
whether Microsoft will provide a patch for that version in June--I suspect,
myself, that they will, but it will need manual installation, which should
work just fine.
So--in your case, I think you will find two Defender-related entries in the
list--Windows Defender, and Windows Defender signatures. I'd remove both,
and then reinstall.