Bruce Chambers
Nonny said:HE (poormissey)?
As for the "Then why...", that is one of the dumber things you've come
up with! These groups are literally replete with folks who bought
Vista machines and want to ge back to XP.
Yes, there are lots of non-thinking people who bought Vista without
first doing a few moments product research. However, the existence of
those stupid shoppers doesn't excuse or necessarily explain the OP. I
asked "why" because I thought it rude to just automatically assume that
he was also stupid/lazy/cheap; there's a slim possibility that there
might have been a valid reason involved.
Last time I checked, there weren't any 30-day free trials on new
computers to see if you liked them.
That's why any adult consumer would determine what he/she likes
*before* making a purchase decision. Do you buy a car without test
driving it? Do you buy clothing without first checking to be sure it
fits? How is buying a computer any different?
Bruce Chambers
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Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell
The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot