How to prevent MS Antispyware systray icon from loading at Windows startup?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dmitry Kopnichev
  • Start date Start date
LOL! you post the opening page to the whole of the nGs there for MS. Now,
how would a common user know where to look. Aside from that, searching the
NGs using the web based reader makes keeping the beta product a tastier
Look again.
That is the newsgroups for Microsoft AntiSpyware and NOT "the whole of the
nGs there for MS"
There is no looking since the AntiSpyware newsgroups is all you get from the
link I posted.
Also there are instructions for NNTP newsreader.
The OP or anyone else interested easily has options for both.
I see that, but I didn't get that. I tried again and I got a page cannot be
displayed. Before it directed me right to the main MS NG site. I cleared my
cache, then I got the correct site. So, I stand corrected, sorry.
Opinicus said:
The program was presumably downloaded and installed earlier
today after I received an update message. But I have no icon
my systray and neither of those two programs exist anywhere
on my system.

What gives?

You downloaded what program? Startup Contrl Panel? Good. Install it. Now
open Control Panel, switch to classic view, find startup, open it, disable
the two items listed, and you'll no longer have Microsoft Anti-Spyware
running. It's a lot like MSCONFIG only better.


"My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me
the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and I am
in my own proper atmosphere. I can dispense then with artificial
stimulants. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for
mental exaltation." -- Sherlock Holmes
Dmitry said:
How to prevent MS Antispyware systray icon from loading at Windows startup?

Options > Settings > Real-Time Protection > Uncheck the Startup and
Real Time protection options.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH
Dmitry Kopnichev wrote:
In Taskbar/start menu, set it "always hide".

How about "not load"? I don't want it loaded, but hidden. Running
betaware underfoot all the time is not my idea of a good time.

---------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
Cats have 9 lives, which makes them
ideal for experimentation!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! That's how you deal with things
you are unwilling to see, you block it from your sight. You are the
"See no evil" monkey with its hands firmly covering its eyes!

I ain't going away, Juppy. You can hide reality from your own eyes, but
you cannot hide it from people that actually have an open mind.

Quote me. I've never wondered why you MicroDrones see me they way YOU
want to see me. Anyone that stands up to ya'lls sycophantic beliefs,
ya'll consider a Troll.

Too bad that isn't the final Good Bye I'll get from you.

LOL! What misdirection? Of course you don't have the common decency to
explain your baseless claim!

Yet another baseless claim. My ego demands nothing, as I'll respond to
any post I feel like responding to. There are plenty of times that I
don't respond to a post, when I have nothing further to say. Just go
back to one of the last threads we both were involved in, "More than one
install" and see for yourself. That is if you are willing to see
reality! You have probably already xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'd it out of your

Instead of being contrary, why not just admit that your
solution, which was to wait until the product was out of beta, was not
very helpful. That would only delay the issue. OTOH, others have
posted actual solutions.
jimpgh2002 said:
Instead of being contrary, why not just admit that your
solution, which was to wait until the product was out of beta, was not
very helpful. That would only delay the issue. OTOH, others have
posted actual solutions.

LOL! Which one? Turning off the settings doesn't get rid of the icon
from loading in the system tray. Only stopping the services does.

Beta's should be used for testing purposes only, and not relied on by
the general public. People should not be taught to rely on beta
products. It is totally negligent to do so, especially since MS doesn't
support it's OS, and only backs up problems caused by its beta MAS to
the tune of $5.

Also it ain't very smart to rely of one company to provide all of your
computer security. MS is already the biggest security hole in the
computer world, just by its size and saturation in the market.

But the Biggest problem with MAS is it's false positives. It is not a
product that is ready for primetime. And by turning of the services, a
user might as well uninstall it, and use more mature Anti-spyware

What was posted were work-arounds, not solutions. And you might as well
uninstall products that need to be worked-around, especially beta
products. And it is just YOUR opinion that mine is not helpful. The OP
might not be the only person reading this thread. Some noobs maybe
reading it, and may be considering installing the obviously flawed beta
of MAS, and if my contrary opinion helped give them second thoughts
about installing it, then I consisder that my actions here were helpful.

Or do you think that everybody and his grandmother should be installing
any and all beta products they come across? Aren't these groups filled
of enough problems with non-beta MS software?

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