Ken Blake, MVP
Shenan said:<last example snipped>
I am unsure where we disagreed. You expanded on the only technical
reason I could come up with for partitioning - you did not disagree
with it per se. I never mentioned backup here - but it was not
because I felt it should not be a matter of concern; perhaps I left
too much to assumption there
Well, perhaps I misinterpreted your message, but as I read it, your main
reason for separating operating system and data was to facilitate
reinstallation if necessary. My first point was that the need for backup is
paramount and if a good backup scheme is in place, a separate partition
isn't needed to facilitate reinstallation.
My second point was that I felt that the main good reason for separating
operating system and data had nothing to do with facilitating
reinstallation, but was to facilitate your backup scheme, if that scheme was
a data-only backup, rather than a complete image of the drive.
I'm not sure that I've said anything different from what I did previously,
but perhaps the above will clarify where I thought we differed.
Matter of fact the very reason I added
the last part of the last sentence:
"... given the reason for the whole mess is non-hardware related and
whatever software issue that caused your reinstall did not include
deleting files from other drives. *grin* ..." implies that said
method is *not* foolproof nor should be relied upon.
While I appreciate the additional information you have added (which
may prevent misunderstanding in the future on said topic) - I do not
see as we had any disagreement here. You just took my explanation to
the next level - backing up data - which should always be in place,
partitioning or not.
If I was wrong, and we actually agree, then great, I'm glad to hear it, and
I apologize for suggesting the contrary.