How to get more traffic

Perhaps in the summer when my degree is finished... I nearly wrote a review of my camera a while ago, but I just didn't have time with all my uni work!


I hope I won't be responsible for too much hard drive rattling! ;)
Me__2001 said:
easy to follow guides e.g. how to keep your PC clean of crap and working smoothly, how to do simple upgrades like adding a second HD

also a list of software that is adaware free and tried and tested
Stuff likr this is a great idea for easy to write articles that anyone can use.
silver said:
search engines are your friend..

see the links in your sig,. SEs don't really like all the &whatever=something&this=that .. e.g.

the url should not include those things,. I don't know what hacks are around for your board - but something that can make the urls cleaner will help,. alternativly put your articles onto static pages (and make the url include relevant terms) with a link into the forum for ppl to post comments..

here's what we do for VB - google loves it



Thanks for the tip. I have now changed all my URL's to 'Search engine friendly URLs'.
I just need to hope that all the links I'd created still work - fingers crossed!
Sexy Bex said:
I wonder what would happen if I started writing articles...?! ;) - i can see this being big, from graphics card reviews to the best pink cases on the market.

Us boys will just have to keep out of the general chat section every 4 weeks.. nothing but male hate and 'women troubles'. :)