"But Doc! How are we going to get home!?
----- Jeff Conrad wrote: ----
Hi Fred
Excellent advice for sure. I made all the same common mistakes as well.
wish I had found these newsgroups right when I was starting out with Access
It sure would have made life easier not having to go back and correct all m
past mistakes
At any rate here's a little function I use now frequently to cover pas
Place in any standard module and hang on
Use with caution
Public Function FixPastMistakes(
Dim YearsPast As Intege
Dim TargetDate As Dat
YearsPast =
TargetDate = DateSerial(Format(Date, "yyyy") - 2,
(Format(Date, "m")), (Format(Date, "w"))
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdActivateTimeWarp(TargetDate
End Functio
Oh, make sure you have a reference to the FluxCapacitor.oc
Jeff Conra
Bend, Orego
----- Jeff Conrad wrote: ----
Hi Fred
Excellent advice for sure. I made all the same common mistakes as well.
wish I had found these newsgroups right when I was starting out with Access
It sure would have made life easier not having to go back and correct all m
past mistakes
At any rate here's a little function I use now frequently to cover pas
Place in any standard module and hang on
Use with caution
Public Function FixPastMistakes(
Dim YearsPast As Intege
Dim TargetDate As Dat
YearsPast =
TargetDate = DateSerial(Format(Date, "yyyy") - 2,
(Format(Date, "m")), (Format(Date, "w"))
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdActivateTimeWarp(TargetDate
End Functio
Oh, make sure you have a reference to the FluxCapacitor.oc
Jeff Conra
Bend, Orego
Fred Boer said:Dear Rickwhole lot of fun! However, I hope you don't mind a small piece of adviceGood luck with your application development! Working with Access can be
from someone who started from scratch in Access a couple of years ago: tr
not to be too "impatient" as you go about learning. If I had only take th
time to nail down the basics when I started trying to create a applicatio
in Access (way back when!), I would have had to spend *so* much less tim
fixing things up later on! I am *still* fixing problems which stem from m
improperly designed tables and relationships two years later... Also,
made many mistakes in not using a consistent naming convention in m
application, and not understanding and implementing error handling.. and.
well, the list goes on! Of course, I'm not suggesting that *you* have mad
these mistakes, but making sure you get it right at the beginning wil allo
you to fly much faster in the long term..theYou might want to use the following as a checklist
HT Fred Boe Hi MacDermott
cover the same things. Others don't have the in-depth coverage that I'
looking for. And others are too advanced. I guess I'm too impatient t
wade through beginning VBA and learn about building dice games and no
educated enough to understand a tome like Developer's Handbook having
on one of the websites from the list Jeff Conrad provided. And I hav
gotten 'smart' and used the search feature (doh!) - much better now! S
this forum is proving very beneficial to me. Again, thanks to everyon fo
their supportoon mor
advanced Access texts you
Or if you're willing to pay, try your local IT staffing agencies They ma
have someone who'd be willing to hire out for an hour or two her