Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]
Doh! misread the direction you were converting, my sample is the "easier"
way to do what you showed.
The inverse would be:
Convert.ToInt43("40", 16) gives &H40
Which is from a string to an Integer in base 16.
Hope this helps
Doh! misread the direction you were converting, my sample is the "easier"
way to do what you showed.
The inverse would be:
Convert.ToInt43("40", 16) gives &H40
Which is from a string to an Integer in base 16.
Hope this helps
Charles Law said:Hi Jay
I don't think I do. In my example I was trying to show a byte being
converted to its hex string representation (w/o the &H). So the reverse I
was looking for was a hex string being converted to its byte equivalent. As
I say, I can put &H on the front and use CByte(), but that is cheating
really, and not an exact reversal as it requires some tampering with the
string to achieve the effect.
Jay B. Harlow said:Charles,hadThanks. I was trying to avoid byte shifting and masking if possible. I
Only via the various methods previously mentioned (BitConverter)
Convert.ToString(&H40, 16) gives "40"
so isn't there something to do the reverse?
You mean?
Dim s As String = b.ToString("X")
Hope this helps
Charles Law said:Hi Jay
Thanks. I was trying to avoid byte shifting and masking if possible. I had
hoped that there was a higher level solution, using a combination of the
Convert class and perhaps Encoding/Decoding. There seem to be so many ways
of performing conversions that I thought there must be one to translate
binary code hex. For example, what about foo() where
Dim s As String
Dim b As Byte
s = "40"
b = foo(s)
to give b equal to &H40. Clearly, I can put &H on the beginning of the
string and use CByte(), as I put in my response to Herfried, but that just
seems low-tech. After all, there is a way to create a hex string from a
Convert.ToString(&H40, 16) gives "40"
so isn't there something to do the reverse?
Use Armin's code, only anding with &hf first.
Public Function Foo(ByVal bytes() As Byte) As Byte
Const mask As Byte = &HF
Return (bytes(0) And mask) << 4 Or (bytes(1) And mask)
End Function
Hope this helps
Hi Armin
Sorry for the confusion, but I think my correction is a bit slow coming
through. I should have written
ba(0) = &h34
ba(1) = &h30
I thought this was going to be straight forward, given the wealth
of conversion functions in .NET, but it is proving more convoluted
than imagined.
Given the following
Dim ba(1) As Byte
Dim b As Byte
ba(0) = &h4
ba(1) = &h0
b = foo(ba)
What is foo() such that b contains &h40 ?
[I could write an algorithm for this, but there must surely be a
succinct conversion for it]
What if ba(0) or ba(1) > &Hf?
If both are [0; &HF]:
b = ba(0) << 4 or ba(1)
How to quote and why: