Dan said:
Any other opinions? I'm looking for responses from those who have
written a non-trivial GUI in C API, preferably also have used C#/.NET,
using an ordinary editor, like vi.
Let me expand just a little on what I said before ...
You, as I understand it, have a big C console (curses) program that you want
to convert to have a Windows GUI. You know C well, but not Windows and not
C++ (or C#). You are only interested in Windows, not (say) linux or Mac.
You have any number of options, but here are some further comments on some
of the options that have already been mentioned:
1. Stick to C. Use the Win32 API.
This will work, but it is a LOT of work partly because you will have
to learn to use the API, and because the API is low-level. I would
not choose to do it this way.
If you want to learn more about just how MUCH work is involved I
suggest you take a look at /Programming Window/ by Charles Petzold
-- I believe Petzold uses C++ in the latest edition, so try to find
an earlier one.
2. Use C++ and MFC
This will work, but will require you to learn C++ and MFC. The learning
curve for MFC is MUCH less than for the Win32 API (and the API is
still directly accessible to your code if you ever need to go beyond
the operations that MFC supports). Learning C++ is an additional
learning curve but one that I would say was well worthwhile.
Unfortunately MFC is not a particularly good example of OO design
in C++ (it had to work with Microsoft's old 16-bit C++ compiler, which
fell a long way short of the language standard we have today), but the
good news is that that means it only uses a subset of the language
(and that cuts down the learning curve).
A big advantage of this route is that the non-UI parts of your existing
C code can simply be compiled as they are and linked to the C++ GUI.
3. Use C++ but not MFC
MFC is not the only application framework that can greatly accelerate
the process of developing GUI code for Windows. A couple of others
that you should be aware of are Qt (
http://www.trolltech.com) and
wxWidgets (
http://www.wxWidgets.org). These are also both C++
frameworks but have the advantage that they do not only target Windows,
so you can get linux, Mac, etc. versions of your application for little
extra work. Qt is commercial Open Source and is quite expensive for non
GPL projects, but wxWidgets is free Open Source
4. Use .NET
.NET does not support C. It does support C++, and the syntax of C++
is almost the same as that of C (there are a few subtle differences
which may not affect you at all). Your back-end C code can probably
be recompiled as C++ to generate CLI runtime code for the .NET
environment. If you can do that then you can write a GUI in whatever
.NET language takes your fancy. I would strongly suggest that C++/CLI
is better and more powerful than any other ... but as you already know
C# and profess to dislike C++ you can use that.
I, myself, would chose route (3).
(1) is too much work - about 5 times more that any of the others.
(2) ties you unnecessarily to Windows.
(4) suffers from being overly complex in that it introduces a dependency
on a runtime environment without good reason, and that it requires two
separate (if similar) programming languages to be used, which
will increase the overall cost of future support.
BTW: Have you read /Working Effectively with Legacy Code/ by Michael
Feathers. It has a few interesting things to say about this sort of project.
Now, a word about tools. You seem very hung up on the use of vi. Vi is a
nice little text editor, but it is only a noce little text editor. The sort
of modern GUI library (be it MFC, WinForms or whatever) is designed to be
used with various tools -- form designers, resource editors, etc. -- that
may exist only in integrated environments intended for use with those tools.
If you eschew the use of those tools you are automatically making the whole
job of GUI design/implementation several time more work than it needs to be.
Not as much work as just using the Win32 API, but getting that way. By all
means use vi as an editor, but *DO* use the IDEs' tools as well.
I have written applications using vi, way back when there was no
alternative, and I don't look back on those days with any fondness.