How many music tracks do you have

ready for it?

twenty nine thousand mp3's

total time 2084 hours 6 minutes 3 seconds

aka appro eighty six days
aka 12.5 weeks non stop!

total space more than 200gb!!!

we are talking the beatles, elvis pressley
to todays latest hits!
TriplexDread said:
Show off :P


shall i send out my 40gb harddrive so u can load it up for me?

or do u want my 20gb fujitsu....
nah i think ill send out my 5.4gb one... lol


nah honestly i collect music!
all sorts really im the hub outa my mates!
i thght i had seen 2tb already! emm lacie or something like that....

ive seen a 750gb that looks maddddddddd

i would consider a 2tb harrdrive or a 1tb but only if it was a SAMSUNG!
samsung rule because they do the quietest harddrives

then for me its seagate
and maxtor (on there own) suck

i hate maxtor
along with western digital, ibm, hitachi, fujitsu!
psd99 said:
i hate maxtor
along with western digital, ibm, hitachi, fujitsu!

I think you might have some seriously seeded issues ;)

Nah I understand you hating IBM/Hitachi they really are crap
Maxtor has died on me must be the loudest harrdrive i ever got!
i really hate a noisy pc really irrates me...................

western digital died on me

as did fujitsu and ibm!

So far Seagate have been ace and SAMSUNG bloody ace (touch wood)
For my computer at home, i have over 1000 songs. I haven't specifically counted how many mp3s and wav files I have, but just tons of them. I've been able to eliminate some by listening to music online, such as Napsterlinks. The two bands I've eliminated music downloads from are Steely Dan and The Rolling Stones. it seems that they have the most songs out of all the bands I've put in there. You can click on the Naspterlink links below to see who many songs the two bands have. It's crazy.

Rolling Stones :
Steely Dan :