Well, there's a coincidence, just received a newsletter from Zen, my ISP.
They're changing their packages. I currently have 512kb down, 256kb up for £24.99 a month, no download limits, which I can keep if I so desire.
Their new packages will consist of, basically, Home and Pro. Both offer speeds of up to 8Mb, depending on some circumstances like which exchange you use and your distance from the exchange, but they've introduced a monthly d/l limit of 20Gb & 50Gb respectively for each plan.
Cost is £24.99 & £34.99 a month respectively.
Existing customers can switch to either plan with no transfer charge.
So what's best? Should I swap for a higher download speed and incur a d/l limit? Or stay as I am?
My daughter uses a P2P program, but not a great deal, all I ever d/l is a little music, patches, upgrades and the occasional Linux Distro.
Zen are still offering their basic home package, btw, 256k up, 256k down, for £17.99 a month, with no d/l limits.
Note that Zen don't just state '8mb' but say 'Up to 8mb, depending on circumstances' displaying some honesty other ISP's would be good to follow.
It was about time Zen woke up to public preference, offering 8mb speed with a download limit will appeal to more people. I was actually thinking about changing my ISP because of the limited d/l speed. And they still offer a minimum of one month's contract, unlike most ISP's who want you to sign up for one year's minimum.