I get the impression that you are a *complete* newbie to programming and
that all the posts which have appeared above might not be helpful to the
complete novice. Let me try to give you a brief view of programming.
P.S. To all other people here, I know this is not the right newsgroup for
this kind of post, but I just want to help Mr. Smitty. If you you find this
post too off-topic or pedantic, just ignore it. Else, please feel free to
add, modify or correct the following:
1. About programming.
- Applications are written using special computer languages.
- Examples of programming languages were listed by Steven B. above and
others (e.g. Java, C++, Pascal...)
- Until the mid-90's, most (Commonwealth; not sure about US ones)
universities taught Pascal as introduction to programming. Now they teach
- Most programming languages you will come across use English keywords
(e.g. While, If, For...)
- Learning a programming language is not necessarily easy. Don't expect
to write *serious* applications before a couple of months.
2. Mechanics of programming.
- Program code is (usually) text-based and can be written using the
simplest text-editor (e.g. Notepad)
- An application is a set of instructions (written in a programming
language) which has been compiled.
- Compilation is (mainly) converting a programmer's code (English
keywords) into machine code (e.g. exe files).
- To create programs, one needs a compiler.
- Each computer language has its own compiler.
- Compiler are (usually) platform specific.
3. Rapid programming.
- Some programming languages offers rapid development by providing
- Components are ready-made pieces of code which can be used as-is.
- Examples of components are text fields, clickable buttons, radion
buttons, checkboxes...
- Examples of languages with rapid development are Basic (VB, VB.NET -
not freeware), Pascal (Delphi - free personal edition available for
download), Java (Forte - free personal edition available for download) and
others mentioned in posts above.
4. What programming to learn?
- There is no *best* programming language. (Everyone has a preferred one.
Just read the posts above).
- Different programming languages are better suited to different tasks.
- Newbies (usually) are more comfortable with rapid development.
- As mentioned above, (Commonwealth) universities usually teach Java as
5. Why I would recommend Java?
- I studied it at university

- Free downlodable compiler and tools from Sun Microsystems
- Free downlodable documentation and complete tutorial from Sun
- Numerous resources over the Internet for learning.
- Easy. Also supports rapid development through Forte (free downlodable
from Sun Microsystems).
- Several decompilers (revert compiled machine code back to English
keywords - warning about legal issues) available for download.
- Can be easily deployed both as executables and applets (over the Web).
- Fool-proof from newbie programming (garbage collector, inability to
damage system).
- Cross-platform development.
- Learn object-oriented programming.
Well, that's what I can think for now. If anyone else can add anything,
please do. Any questions are welcome.