hmm, yeah, me too. i'd never tried this before, so i'm surprised to see that
apparently Access doesn't recognize that the subform is in Datasheet view.
both ColumnHidden and ColumnWidth properties are specific to form Datasheet
view - they're not valid in SingleForm view or ContinuousForms view. let me
play with this a bit, and see if i can come up with a solution. i'll post
back today.
apparently Access doesn't recognize that the subform is in Datasheet view.
both ColumnHidden and ColumnWidth properties are specific to form Datasheet
view - they're not valid in SingleForm view or ContinuousForms view. let me
play with this a bit, and see if i can come up with a solution. i'll post
back today.
Ayo said:Now I am getting "Object doesn't support this property or method" error
tina said:well, first of all, make sure you're using the right reference for the
subform. you need the name of the *subform control within the mainform*. to
get that, open the mainform in Design view. within Design view, click *once*
on the subform, to select it. in the Properties box, click on the Other tab
and look at the Name property. that's the name of the subform control. then
try the following, as
Dim ctl As Control frm As Form
Set frm = Me!SubformControlName.Form
For Each ctl In frm.Controls
ctl.ColumnHidden = (ctl.Tag = "General")
replace SubformControlName with the correct name that you got from the
exercise in the previous paragraph, of course.
Me.tblMilestones_subform.Form.Controls(ctrl.Name).ColumnWidthAyo said:I just tried it using:
For Each ctrl In Me.tblMilestones_subform.Form.Controls
If ctrl.Tag = "General" Then
= 0toEnd If
It didn't work for me. The code ran with out any problem except the columns
are still in the sibform.
You can obviously drag the margins of the column in the subform, but
do itWhenvia code you are going to have to do something like the following.
Iwindowopened a datasheet as the form, I was able to go to the immediate
forms("frm_Datasheet").Controls("txt_Field1").columnwidth = 0
and it hid the column.
When I put the datasheet in a form as a subform, and gave the
controlthe name "sub_datasheet" I was able to hide the column with the following:
ColumnWidth = 0
To make it visible again, give the ColumnWidth property a value in twips
(inches * 1440)
Ayo wrote:
Yes it is.
Is this subform a DataSheet?
[quoted text clipped - 3 lines]
Any ideas.
Dale Fye
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