How do I publish a website I created to the internet?

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If there is no database involved there should not be any problems, provided
the desktop can cope with the combined load of publishing and visitors -
find a quiet time to publish.

Any database may present problems, especially if it updated by visitors. In
this case you may have to disable the active pages, publish the database,
then restart. However, any updates on the old database from then onwards
will not be added to the new. It can take up to three days for DNS to be
updated, though on an intranet DNS updates could be instant.
Hopefully you figured this out by now... After creating a web page from
scratch, click FILE->Publish Web. It will ask you for the address that you
have registed as in as well as your username and password
that your ISP has assigned you. Enter the address and passwords and you're

The trick to publishing is ensuring that you have the Frontpage extenstions
installed on the server that you are publishing to and try to ensure that
your ISP is placing your web on a Frontpage compatable server. Just let them
know it's a Frontpage web and they will know what to do.
Hope this helps.
mytmouse said:
I am new at publishing websites to the internet. I have worked on maintenance
in an exisitng website using FrontPage 2000 but never posted one from
scratch. Is there a free tutorial or article I can get?
If you do maintenance on sites, then you're half-way there. Since you know
how to connect to the live site to edit a page (assuming you do connect to
the live site to do the editing of the sites).

in the same way you can start a new site, but you creating pages from
scratch. It's not a good idea to work live on the server in case it breaks
down - that would be your only copy of your work. What you need to do is
create a local site on your hard drive.

New site created by File > New > Site.
Then create new pages.

To publish, go File > Publish > Site. Enter the details as prompted (like
the web address to publish to - the HTTP address or FTP address, this info
is obtainable from the site owner (if not yourself) or the hosting company.

Once connected, click the Publish Site button in the right-bottom corner of
the publish screen. This will transfer files from your computer to the web

You can also use FTP in FP or use a third party FTP program.

Look up "Publishing with Frontpage" in Google, for millions (literally) of
articles on how to publish with Frontpage.

You might find a book or two on the subject (e.g. on or your
local bookshop. The author of "Frontpage Inside Out" is a frequent
contributor to this newsgroup.