How do I link a single business contact to multiple accounts?

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Does the new upcoming BCM 3 allow one Business Contact Record to be linked to
MORE than only one of these new Project entity items at a time? If this is
the case in the new v.3, why not allow and include this more versatile
relational functionality also for both the Account Record entity and the
Opportunity Record entity? In reality, every Sales Opportunity process is a
"Project" to be completed hopefully with an intended close of a sale. Each
Opportunity process involves a series of stages and various contributing
tasks, meetings, etc. that all relate to the successful accomplishment of the
Opportunity's intended outcome. There are several other Outlook-centric
entry CRM apps that actually use the same record item in their design and
allow you to change the name to indicate the record either as an Opportunity
or a Project but they are essentially the same functional entity with just a
tweak of the verbage.

BCM's design seems headed in the right direction...ever so slowly.

With BCM I sometimes feel like a cheerleader at a Turtle race always yelling


BCM 3 (2007) has a Project type. Accounts are intended to be used for
companies or institutions.
Look at it this way, out of several thousand of contacts that this product
can manage out of the box, realistically how many are affected by this [quoted text clipped - 42 lines]
Send a smile to Microsoft (Office 2007 Beta feedback tool)!