How do I correctly write this expression?

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I downloaded your "LoadSaveJpeg" -- Thank You.

I am hoping this will allow me to store the pictures external to my Cattle Database, or reduce the size of the stored image

Can you please explain the functions the 5 buttons on the top of the form "frmStoreLoadJpeg"
Including the term 'Blob'

Sorry for what may seem basic questions, but the methods use are beyond my knowledge or experience

----- Stephen Lebans wrote: ----

Exponent this statement is misleading
If you 'Embedded' the images then it is usually not possible to extrac them directly, however they ca
be 'regenerated' - the problem with this approach is that, assumin
that the original images were in jp
format and that you want jpg format out, to output jpg requires tha
they are recompressed. This is 'lossy'

The solution on my site allows you to select the level of Compression
Just select 0 and the file will be stored uncompressed

Just my $.0
Stephen Leban
Access Code, Tips and Trick
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit

the original file, a 'Preview' imag
is stored in the database. Since this image is uncompressed it can b up to 100 times the size of th
original image file (or more), hence the problem you are seeing
did 'Link' then you should still hav
extract them directly, however they ca
be 'regenerated' - the problem with this approach is that, assumin
that the original images were in jp
format and that you want jpg format out, to output jpg requires tha
they are recompressed. This is 'lossy'
ie there will be a reduction of image quality. Additionally, if th
images contained metadata, such a
the useful EXIF info stored in images by digital cameras, this will b lost too
previously: Stephen Lebans' 'OLEtoDisk
computer wizard or Access expert
I am just a small businessman and rancher trying to use MS Access t track my cattle
and external-file storage" mean
Or at least I do not know how to implement them
in the database. My mistake, an
I was totaly surprised when I received the message 'Databse ha reached maximum size'
and into some external file pleas
let me know
is causing the storage problem yo
are experiencing
and finally, mentioned a product tha
raw-binary (BLOB) and external-fil
you scroll through records too quickly,
progress dialog it throws up. Note also
graphics filters being installed, so
them (plus, of course, to have a
not be suitable for distributing
an application
accept that OLE Embedding is not the
that using multiple Gigabyte database
$99.00+ to correct this shortcoming
I consider this issue closed and FIXED.
See the final solution in the thread:

bound object frame: picture