Cal Bear '66
You can do it manually by copying and pasting your e-mails in Windows Explorer.
Cal Bear '66 said:Open Windows Explorer, Menu bar (press ALT if not visible) Tools > Folder
Options, View tab, click Show hidden files and folders radio button and uncheck
hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and click Yes button on
warning dialogue, navigate to C:\Users\ "your account name"
\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Local Folders. Select the folders (or .eml
files, NOT the .fol files) you wish to backup and Edit > Copy. Create a folder
(subfolder) where you wish to save the messages and right click > Paste.
To save time navigating in the future, right click on the Windows Mail folder >
Send To > Desktop (create shortcut)
Go back to Tools > Folder Options, View tab and click Do not show hidden files
and folders and check Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)
Now, when you want to get to your e-mail store, just double click on the desktop
shortcut. If you want to preview the e-mails: Organize > Layout and enable
Preview Pane (very, very slow however)