How do I alphabetize a column but also have the corresponding cells move with the sort?

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Yes, make sure they are in one cell.

Don't forget that you have the option to make Column D wide, AND, you can
control your line breaks *within* the individual cells by using <Alt>
This allows you to keep your data in some semblance of order within the
individual cell.


Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !
Back to college said:
Could the problem now be that the definitions do not appear all in one
cell or something? The definitions are long in many cases and I typed them
in multiple columns and rows. Should the entire definition appear in only
one cell?
Thank you everyone for the help. I THINK I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I'll keep you posted as soon as I apply some of the latest suggestions.
Good news and bad news

I finally got the darn thing to do what I want. However, it appears as if I need to format the cell as wrap text for column C PRIOR to typing in the data. I tried to go back and apply this format to the cells that already have info in them and it won't work. However, if I format the cell as text wrap prior to entering the data ....VOILA

Now, unless someone tells me different I guess I would need to go back and redo the whole thing if I really want to alphabetize this darn thing. Or I could just be better prepared for the next chapter vocab list.
Select the rows by clicking on row1 (left side, gray labels), hold down the
shift key, click on the last row with data. Then do Format=>Row=>Autofit

I think that should work for you.

Or just click the intersection of the row and column labels so all cells are
selected, then do Format=>row=>Autofit

Tom Ogilvy

Back to college said:
Good news and bad news.

I finally got the darn thing to do what I want. However, it appears as if
I need to format the cell as wrap text for column C PRIOR to typing in the
data. I tried to go back and apply this format to the cells that already
have info in them and it won't work. However, if I format the cell as text
wrap prior to entering the data ....VOILA.
Now, unless someone tells me different I guess I would need to go back and
redo the whole thing if I really want to alphabetize this darn thing. Or I
could just be better prepared for the next chapter vocab list.
The bad news.......

The definition text that is in two separate cells on two rows MUST be placed
in the same cell then wrapped and autofitted.


row1 cell C1 "the answer to question one is:"
row2 cell C2 "warthogs like rutabagas"

This text has to go into C1 alone.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP