Finaly, that is what I have been saying all along.TJ said:All our verbal gobbledygook boils down to a single point: Given your
requirements, we don't know of any way for you to save on ink costs,
other than finding somewhere to buy genuine Epson ink that's cheaper
than where you shop now.
Yours is not demanding at all. Draft mode is good enough for what youMost of our requirements aren't as demanding as yours, so for us
aftermarket ink is acceptable.
do. And with an HP printer with an integrated printedhead the only
thing you need to worry about is a cart leaking. It does happen and
that if it happened would ruin your printer. But getting used printers
for $20 you really have nothing to loose if you want to spend the time
fooling around with refilling.
If you put them under cement you would never see any fading.I have a few prints that were printed using aftermarket ink that have
been displayed inside, under glass, and I haven't noticed any fading yet.
However, it hasn't been one decade yet, let alone the six you require.