I see that you already have someone from microsoft who replied to you. My
answer for this problem is simple that is why i wanted to give it to you. You
may you these informations if the other attempts to fixe this problem were
not effecient or use it before. If it does not solve the problem, you can
still email me [
[email protected]] so we can have a "REMOTE ASSISTANT"
session where i will be able to fix your pc for you. This windows thing on
the bottom of your screen is not pain but trust me, it is something you want
to have their all the time because it download everything you need to keep
your PC updated and keep Your pc working. Windows XP is new and it is like a
MAMA BEAR, lol, It protects your computer. The windows update software is
here to tell you what is new to download. However, you can decide when to
download them.
To fix your problem:
Start Menu; Control Panel; Security Center; Click "Windows Update" at the
and you can either choose to set dates for updates downloads or click the
second one which will download it for you and let you install the updates.
User Agreement: This message was sent to you upon request and is not
percieved to be 100% the answer to your problem because the writer did not
check your computer. Microsoft and I [Serda] are not related and are not
liable for any damages that could happen to you or to your unit. These
information are risk free which means at your own risk, I should not be held
responsible for anything that may affect you computer. These information are
not copyrighted and can be used by anyone who has the same issues regarding
their computers [Windows and Microsoft Office Users only]. These informations
should not be use for any other purpose or on any other system than Windows
Mama Bear said:
I use XP Home Edition and made the mistake of putting the Windows
update tool in my tray. Now I can't stop the fricking thing. It
downloads updates instead of shutting off my computer sometimes,
and even when I shut it off, it has a red shield down there now and
pops up boxes when I start my computer.
This thing is a pain!
Is there a way to completely remove it from my computer and only
get updates when I want to go to their page?