Well Christopher any university that can spot the quicksilver mind & sharp insight behind Fry's 'fooling' sounds good enough to me. What's your major? I would guess it's something to do with computers, but I would never presume to assume that (If that made sense to anyone but me

I'm afraid I was far too busy having fun (first time away from home & I was always such an annoyingly "good girl" beforehand) to do particularly well at varsity. & I used to p*ss my tutors off no end by asking questions & arguing points (especially in my philosophy & psyc papers... I always was an opinionated little... chatterbox)
I will say though, & I'm very proud of this, after I graduated with my psyc degree I trained in crisis counselling & I got chucked out halfway through the course... the reason... given to me personally by the co director... I kept raising issues & asking questions the instructor couldn't answer

he he.
It's not being "slow" by the way, it's training. Too much time studying & not enough time playing computer games tut tut!!!

Studying rots the brain & encourages a tight focus & narrowed perspective when looking at a problem (computer games have now been proved to stimulate neural development & develop strategic & holistic thinking, amoung other things). You & I both looked at the question & saw a math problem (although I was too lazy to try & work it out). It wasn't until tomesega made me stop & step back to look at the "whole picture" that I saw the answer.
I'm afraid I can't speak for you tomesega, but, Ashley naturally thinks spatially & visually. It is one of the reasons why he did so badly in a school system that is oriented primarily towards verbal thought patterns, despite the fact that he is, beyond question, one of the most intelligent people I have ever met. It is also the main reason why he is such a gifted mechanic. When he looks at something he automatically sees it as a working system rather than individual parts. And as such, can often see what is wrong as soon as he looks at &/or listens to the engine.
He knew the answer before I had even finished reading the question because he saw it as a picture & the farmer trotting off to the grocer each day was just part of the picture.
But if you give him a book he won't read it. Reading for him is a very slow & difficult task, & he can only write by printing in capitals. He just doesn't think that way.
Related Trivia:
Approximately 1/3rd of people are visio-spatial thinkers. Not all have the same difficulties with reading & writing of course, & many have a tendency to gravitate towards the computer industry, as well as the arts (creative writing, dancing & gymnastics as well as the more obvious visual arts), and fields such as mechanics where 3 dimensional visualisation abilities are a natural advantage.
Did they teach me that in psyc? No I had to hunt it down for myself while learning about my son's dyslexia.
And Christopher... despite all my rabbiting on I really am interested in what your plans for at varsity, I just got caught up in a subject that has personal meaning for me, sorry