Homemade Air Conditioner

wheey, i thought you were all americans!

im sitting on my bed in the dark on my laptop... its pretty hot....

hopefuly this time tomorrow il be putting extra clothes on caus its so cold in my room!

My new pump is arriving so i can finaly get some hardcore water flow through those pipes! :D
aha, i think ive cracked it...

Hi, i think i might have cracked this aircon thing....

i orderd a big heatsink and it arrived this morning... (see picture attached)

its very effciant, you can stand the heatsink in a plate of cold water and the finns get soo cold it hurts to touch them.... blow air thorugh them with a fan and the air is pleasently cold!

what i intend to do is coil copper around the bottom of the heatsink and attach that to my old cooler box pump thing. I will then mount the heatsink in a polystyrene box so that the only way the airflow can exit is through the heatsink. aslong as teh flow isent too fast, and the air coming in is not too hot (i could proabably put another radiator in the body of the box to pre-cool the air first...)

what do you think?


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Hi, definatly cracked the aircon thing. built my big machine, got it working really nicely. blows out very cold air, and it runs on a bag of ice for about 4 hours.

see attached photos

it seems they are too big for the attachment system. ive hosted them myself




any questions or instructions talk to me on msn. (e-mail address removed)
after two years, hello again :)

This week is so hot here (29-35°C out, 27-28°C in)...
so I think I will build new homemade air conditioner

case will be covered with polystyrene from the inside

and maybe I will add some PC fans, I think it can be better than this passive suction in the front of the PC case

it is still only a concept


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Oh we cheat at work, back a freezer unit up to the room you want cooled, open the doors and you get a nice flow of very cold air. It is great to see peoples face when your unloading & you suddenly put on a warm coat, before going to unload the lorry.

Had a woman on Monday call me a perv when in the heat of the day their i was with body warmer on after unloading my load in -15 temps!
Peltier effect AC

Hi Ian I was just wondering if you ever got round to making an Air con unit using the Peltier effect, if you did could you send me instructions on how to make it the heat in Birmingham at the moment is making me feel like Im melting.
Kind regards,
Hi freshflip :)

I played around with the peltier unit, but I didn't ever make anything serious - venting the hot air somewhere was just too much hassle. Instead I just keep all the windows open all day ;) It's been boiling in Manchester today, and is still 28C in this room :eek: