Sam Hobbs
FromTheRafters said:Spam often uses *real* e-mail addresses - not the *correct* ones, but real
More often they don't. Most often it is not possible to find an email
address in the message that identifies who sent the message. If it were that
easy, spam sent by that person would be eliminated. Only an amateur spammer
would send spam with a *real* e-mail address anywhere in the message, except
for using someone else's address in which case it is worse than none at all.
If *real* e-mail address means someone else's email address, then in the
context of my message, it is irrelevant whether the e-mail address is
*real*. I said "separate the good from the bad", and when someone else's
email address is used, a *real* e-mail address is either not useful or
results in an invalid diagnosis. The invalid diagnosis is exactly why they
use *real* e-mail addresses.