Hibernate or sleep

  • Thread starter Thread starter Harmon Koeltz
  • Start date Start date
hi, i am François and am joining in.

I do not have a laptop (not needing it), but my system on the second
computer does NOT get into hibernation, meaning the screen is always active.
Any ideas how to fix this. Nothing to do with mouse or keyboard since my
first computer does not have that problem. I tried everything, even checked
the registry but both registry's show me the same values....


My screen is burning in, so i really could use some help here.


Dear Michael,
Perhaps you can help me.
I've recently installed Vista on my desktop. When I boot up, my desktop
appears, but then the computer spontaneously goes into some type of
"sleep/hibernation?" mode whereby the screen goes blank, and by moving the
mouse or using keyboard the computer seems to power up again but opens with
the User icon screen. (Sometimes the computer re-boots fully at this stage
also). When you click the user icon, the last thing that was on the screen
prior to the shutdown appears eg desktop, web page etc. The problem is
interrmittent ie does not always happen.

I'm seriously fustrated- do you know what could be causing this problem?

The prob
Possible causes:

-Accidently removing Windows hibernation files
-Power settings
-Incompatibility issues with video card and Vista

Possible solutions:

-Accidently removing Windows hibernation files (Soltion):
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/929658 (This will explain how
to fix the hibernation issue in Vista if the hibernation files were
accidently removed through Clean-Up)

-Power Settings (Solution):
You may need to change your current power settings:

-Incompatibility issues with video card and Vista(Solution):
Check to make sure your computer graphics card is compatible with Windows
Vista. If you upgraded your computer to Windows Vista (Any edition) you may
need to re-install your current video card driver. To do this, insert your
monitor's or video card installation disk. If the hardware did not ship with
a disk, contact the manufacturers website.

*If your computer was shipped with Vista pre-installed, and your version is
validated, you may not have this problem*

I hope this helps

To resolve this problem in Windows Vista, run the powercfg -h on command at
a command prompt to enable the hibernate feature and the hybrid sleep
feature. To run this command, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, click All Programs, and then click Accessories.
2. Right-click Command Prompt, click Run as administrator, type POWERCFG -H
i feel ur pain, man!
To resolve this problem in Windows Vista, run the powercfg -h on command at
a command prompt to enable the hibernate feature and the hybrid sleep
feature. To run this command,
follow these steps:
1. Click Start, click All Programs, and then click Accessories.
2. Right-click Command Prompt, click Run as administrator, type POWERCFG -H
ON and then press ENTER.

I would like to thank you all for your very useful comments.

However, there is something that users should be aware.

If you are going to transport your notebook, it should be on HIBERNATE,
otherwise you risk damaging your system, as the disk drives will be on in
So in summary ... my laptop with a wireless bluetooth mouse should not
really bother with sleep because the "chatter" mentioned earlier instantly
wakes it up! It should most of the time (during a working day) be put into
hibernate which allows a faster resumption of work. I'll post again to let
you know if the battery lasts a day in this fashion. Then of course I could
just turn it off.
My Vista laptop has had sleep/hibernate issues since day one. Highly
unpredictable sleep/wake patterns often needing a hard reboot to correct.
The other day, Oct 23, 2007 I downloaded a Vista patch from Microsoft.com
with a date of Oct 23 ... it is liked a miracle; the machine now enters and
exits sleep perfectly. Additionally, it remidied the USB connection issues I
was having.
Absolutley the most effective patch or fix I have ever seen.
Hi Michael, I haveaquestion for you also maybe you can help just recently my
pC when it goes into sleep mode or hibernates it can't be turn back on at
all. I have a cordless mouse and keyboard but I have to hold the off buttton
in until it shuts down sometimes two or three times before I can get it back
up running have you every heard of this? Also what use to be a fast start up
when I first bought the PC now takes 4 to 5 minutes before I see a screen.
Any input.
I suppose one question is does the machine actually manage to get to sleep
or is it stuck trying to get there. (If it hasn't finished going to sleep it
cannot wake up.)

If this is a Desktop machine the 'power' light on the front somewhere
usually begins to blink when the machine is in sleep mode.
All the desktop machines that I see do this, I do NOT know that ALL of them
do so.

Hibernate busted? On a Dell Vista XPS1710 which seems to otherwise be fine,
hibernate fails to hibernate (Shutdown -h reports a corrupt registry
configuration and exit code 1009.) Hibernate WAS working, powercfg /h on
seems to make no difference, RegistryMechanic finds nothing wrong with the
registries, procmon.exe gives no clue as to what shutdown.exe didn't like.

The system begins to shutdown but then pops back to the Locked user login

Anyone know how to repair this--without doing a full restore on the registry
since it seems otherwise ok.
Hi Don, You're not the only one with this problem as I have exactly the same
situation where I have to hold down the button on the tower for quite some
time to try to get it to switch off as shaking the mouse or using the
keyboard won't bring it out of hibernation. I am tearing my hair out as I
can have just switched the machine on and logged in then stepped away from my
desk for 10 mins and then when I come back I can't get it to wake up. If
anyone can help please let me know.
If your machine is in hibernation then almost all power is off, nothing your
do with a keyboard or mouse that is turned off is going to do anything. On a
tower only pressing the power button to turn the power back on will have any

If you have actually entered hibernation, then the power light on your tower
will be OFF, if it is in sleep then the light will be blinking. It sounds to
me like that your machine is not entering hibernation, not that it will not
come out of hibernation.

Vista home premium, Dell XPS410 tower
Thanks Michael. The tower light is staying on permanently (not flashing) and
moving the mouse is not doing anything. I only have the screen saver set to a
specific time. The power save is set to none. Any ideas on how to get it to
go to sleep properly rather than this non functioning mode?
Cheers, Helen
Found a fix:

The Dell has a Recovery Partition on which is an install of Vista for
repairing. There, the Repair System Startup found something wrong, made a
quick tweak, and Sleep/Hibernate is now restored. No other apparent change to
the system was made. What was changed is unknown--there's no log. But,
regardless, the problem is gone.

You might try manualy going to sleep mode and see if there are any

start orb
hover over the 'power button' (circle with break and line at top)
it should say it is going to put into a low power state.

click on it. If everything goes well most of the computer will turn off,
keyboard will stay active, mouse will stay active, power light on tower will

If not hopefully some error will be on the screen (some program cannot
shutdown etc).

Thanks for that. Was able to put it to sleep manually with no problems. I
will just have to try to remember to do this instead of waiting for the
screensaver to kick in.
If you hear of any solutions to the automatic sleep option please can you
let me know.
Thanks for your help on this.
Regards, Helen

Then perhaps the problem is actually the screen saver itself.
I would recommend that you turn off the screen saver and see if the system
will automatically enter the sleep state.

In the screen saver setting page, set the screen saver to 'none', then in
the Change power settings, select 'balanced' standard setting. This will get
you to a common configuration from which you can then make one change at a
time till you get what you want.

What screen saver are you using? If it is not one that came with the Vista
package it may not be fully compatible with Vista or your video card.

Screen saver is independent of the power options of turn off display and
sleep. If you currently have the power options set to not enter sleep (from
your Original Post 'the Power Save is set to none') then the system will not
try to enter sleep, the Screen Saver part does not do any transfer to sleep
function by itself.
