Hi! Considering a self build - advice needed :)

Mechanical hard drives are probably not ever going to reach the potential of SATA I, letalone SATA II and even if they do it won't be anywhere near you average user's budget

Well, Built the thing last night and after much deliberation before flicking the switch, finally did the deed and it hummed into life! After recovering my eyesight from the glare of the LEDs in the front I could see that the BIOS seemed to recognize all the required innards so all is good :)

This evening I shall be installing XP where I fully expect something to go horribly wrong so keep an eye out for further confused posts from me!

Many thanks to all that have offered advice, as a bit of a newbie to all this it really does help and was much appreciated :)

Final Complete Build:

CPU : AMD Athlon 64 3500+
Optical Drv : LG GSA-4167BRL
HDD : Seagate Barracuda SATA NCQ 7200.7 120GB
RAM : OCZ Value 1GB Kit (2X512MB) PC-3200 Duel CH
Case : Antec Sonata + 380w PSU
Video Card : Novatech 6600GT PCIe
Keyboard : Labtec Ultra-Flat Keyboard
Mouse : Novatech PS2 Optical Mouse In Black
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Well Done :D

i take it it is all up and working now then? Must be a huge difference from your p2... :O
good job, hows it running ?

almost chris its ' a lean mean gaming machine' ;)
'Tis all running smooooothly :), Windows went on fine - i still can't quite believe how straightforward it all was (and that nothing has exploded yet...), and that sata drive speeds along nicely - am now converted to the way of the self build! (and can't help but smile when i see a Dell advert on tv)

Had a quick play on a demo of Rome:TW demo last night - must get that game, wow! My next target is a nice big TFT from santa this year :D as its currently running on an old CRT :eek:, but when building on a budget sacrifices have to be made...


Welcome to the BYOC ... not hard, was it. ;)

Just plonk a few things together and turn on ... it really is that simple. :D

Confidence and overcoming ones fear of the whole idea ... that is all that is needed.

When things go wrong and you don't get that first Beep is when the 'panic' sets in ... not knowing how to 'fix' it, if it does not work. :eek:

Enjoy your new found freedom ... :thumb: