here's my 2 cents worth....
I've been using vista in production enviornment since pre-rc1. Now, to
qualify production I use it for everyday use. Play my games, surf the net,
listen to music, email, my hobby of programing...etc basic joe schmoe user
I've submitted bug reports, 2 or 3 or so for bugs that were serious enough
to stop me from being average joe user. Those bug reports I actually
submitted. More importantly though, every time a program crashed, or
misbehaved, I would submit a report the same way you would for xp...
I think this is the most important thing about the cpp. It helps to capture
errors in everyday use. And as the builds progress I have seen much
improvement. Beta 2 wouldn't run for more then 5 mins unless I turned Hyper
Threading off. Now I have ht on and running for days, everything but my
soundcard on my desktop works great.
As a marketing ploy, it's brilliant. Get people hooked on the new version
long before it actually comes out. I can't imagine myself happily moving
back to xp when my beta expires, I'll simply HAVE to go buy an upgrade before
that happens.
But regardless, I don't begrudge ms for their beta programs. I'm not in the
tech community. I look at it like this, I'm doing ms a favor by trying the
os in everyday use. I report my bugs to both ms and hardware and software
companies. In fact, I'm still waiting on a good driver for my cmedia 9880
I agree, I think ms could sell us a key at a discounted price, especially
since they save the cost of manufactuing the material to buy a box at best
buy or circuit city. Or better yet, run some launch events like they did for
Visual Studio last year and invite the cpp community. If cpp testers were
serious enough, they'd show up and get a coupon or dvd of the os.
Early release to beta testers could actually help ms in marketing...the
whole word of mouth thing..."Hey man, I got an advance copy of Vista and not
a bug in it....works great on my system, you should get it when it's released
next month, wanna check it out, here's my notebook..." etc. I talk all the
time about my expierence with vista with friends and family and even showed
it off from time to time to people wanting to see it, but not install a beta.
Anyway guys, really ms doesn't owe us cpp testers a thing...they did us a
favor by opening up to us. So whatever ms does or doesn't do, I'm fine with.
I fully expect to pay for 2 upgrades to vista ultimate at retail price, if
ms gives me a better deal, great, if not oh well. I'll still beta test the
next os if ms allows me to.