Help With database problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Larry
  • Start date Start date

I have deleted all the data and started fresh. It's still
showing several interviewer of the same kind. I'm
guessing it's because the InterviewerID is an autonumber
and that whenever they enter the form, it's a new number??

By the way, how do I save a record in a form and have it
refresh (goes to a blank form again) after I click the
save button??


The interviewer data for each interviewer should only ever need to be
entered one time. If you enter the interviewer data for any given
interviewer more than once, you will get more than one record for that
interviewer. The solution is simple... just enter each interviewer one

There is no reason to have a 'Save' button on a form. A new or changed
record will automatically be saved whenever you close the form, or
whenever you move to another record or to a new record. Do you still
have the Navigation Buttons on the bottom edge of the form? If so, you
can go to a new record (and the current one will automatically be saved)
by clicking the little button with the * at the right end of the
navigation buttons. If you have disabled the navigation buttons, you
can put a button on the form with code such as this...
DoCmd.GoToRecord, , adNewRec
Once again, the record will automatically be saved.

I'm a little lost with regards to your statement about
interviewer data only need to be entered one time. Right
now in my form, I have a start up form which when click
"START HERE" opens up the form frm_Interviewer. As
previously stated, this is where the interviewer enters in
his/her data, then they click "To Questions" button and
this closes the frm_Interviewer and opens up the form
frm_Interviewee. Once they enter in the information here,
they then hit the "Close" button which closes the form and
take them back to the start up page. I will try the Go To
Next Record that you mentioned.

The problem I'm coming across is that when the user enters
the database again to put new records, another record of
his username is entered in the database. So in my
tbl_Interviewer I will have two instances of Joe Smith.
Hope I'm clear in explaining this.


Yes, I believe you are explaining the situation clearly. I'm afraid it
is me who is not being clear. But to be honest, I can't think of a
clearer way of putting it: ENTER THE INTERVIEWER DATA FOR EACH

After the Interviewer is entered in the database, all you need to do is
enter the Interviewee/Interview data, and in the process of this, the
Interviewer is selected from the combobox which we discussed before.
This is *all* you need to do! If you do it like this, I *ABSOLUTELY
GUARANTEE* that your data will be correct, and that you will be able to
see the interviewee records grouped according to the interviewer.
Per your statement:
you need to do is enter the Interviewee/Interview data, and
in the process of this, the Interviewer is selected from
the combobox which we discussed before.<<<<<
The problem is this:

Once they enter in the information here, they then hit the
"Close" button which closes the form and take them back to
the start up page.

This will then require them to click on the "START HERE"
button again which takes them to the FORM frm_Interviewer
and this requires them to enter their interviewer
lastname,first,middle, etc..

The combo box itself i've done away with as it's not really
needed. These are the fields in my tbl_Interviewer:
InterviewerID (autonumber)

Fields in my tbl_Interviewee
InterviewID (Text, No Duplicates, Manual Key Entry -
Interviewer enters in A1,A2,A3, & so forth .. correlates to
the names of the interviewer in our excel spreadsheet to
make it anonymous when dbase is delivered to client)
InterviewerID (Number, - maps to tbl_Interviewer InterviwerID)
12 questions/answers

With that, how can I get it to where interviewer data can
only be entered in once?

Thanks for being patient!

Given that we have established that each interviewer's data should only
be entered once, we could surmise that a "START HERE" button which takes
them to the frm_Interviewer form is a mistake. I think the solution is
simple... don't do it this way. Provide the user with the means of
going directly to the Interviewee form. As I mentioned before, all they
need to do is enter the InterviewerID on the Interviewee form to
identify which interviewer did the interview. We discussed using a
combobox, with its Row Source set to the Interviewer table, for this
purpose. You now say you feel this combobox is not necessary, but in
any case you will need a means to enter the InterviewerID on the
Interviewee form.

Thanks! I think I will do it that way. I'll just put a
button that takes them directly to the Interviewee form.

I remember you mention a while back about putting the
answers itself in a seperate table. How will I go about in
linking that to the interviewee table?

Thanks again for all your help!

Thanks! I think I will do it that way. I'll just put a
button that takes them directly to the Interviewee form.

That's a great idea, Larry!
I remember you mention a while back about putting the
answers itself in a seperate table. How will I go about in
linking that to the interviewee table?

There would be some advantages in having the responses in a single field
in a separate table. For example, if a question was changed, or an
additional one added, it would be easier to manage. However, the way
you have it now will work ok, and under the circumstances I would
suggest not going down that track for now.
Thanks again for all your help!

You're welcome!

By any chance, do you happen to know how to customize the
error message? When a person hits the Next Record button
but didn't put anything in the required field, I'd like for
Access to tell them that a required input in [name of
field] is required. Also, any idea how to automatically
maximize a form when the user open up the database? I went
to the Startup section of Access and have Access open up
the database in the frm_Startup form that I created and
took away the user's ability to see the
tables/queries/reports and suchs. For some reason however,
whenever I try to open up the database, the startup form is
not maximizing. Thanks for any info on these.


I think the best way to handle the customising of the required field is
to use the Validation Rule and Validation Text properties of the field
in the design of the table. Set the Validation Rule to Is Not Null and
the Validation Text to your choice of wording.

You can put this code...
.... on the On Open event of the form.