Help - my rebate check expired

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Schaible
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John said:
Okay Einstein, is Microsoft Windows a monopoly?

In the same plain English I have told you nigh onto a thousand times by now
I am not going to discuss the matter with you, and I've explained why too
with not the least being your propensity to misrepresent what's said and
invent whatever the hell suits your fancy, as you did above.

That's nonsense, as usual.

Go ahead and give it a try. Buy an AMD boxed processor, open it up and
install the thing, and then try to 'return' it simply because you 'changed
your mind'.

That's a straw man based on an invalid premise.

Be sure to let me know the next time you walk out with the opened and
'returned' product instead of a properly sealed unused one.

That's a different argument.

No, it isn't.

You would know.

Of course, because I see lots of caveman types who can handle it, you
tom said:
Don't agree with little Johnny then you must be a troll.
What an idiot.

You don't even have to say anything 'to' him at all. Just post something he
doesn't like and you get his self appointed net cop 'troll' post with headers.
Nym shifting troll
see also:
Newfdog <newfdog2nospam>
tom hunt <tomhunt> wrote:
Granted, CPUs are difficult to return. But that wasn't this troll's
first assertion.

Message-ID: <[email protected]>
David Maynard wrote:
"Technically you can't return it after you've ripped off the shrink
wrap before you even get to cutting the UPC off."

Once you apply for a rebate, you won't be able to return the
product. On the other hand, most things except software can be
"You say dumb, I say troll.
You say why and I say I don't know, oh no.
You say you dumb and I say you troll
You troll you troll
I don't know why you say you dumb, I say you troll...
la la la"
John said:
Granted, CPUs are difficult to return. But that wasn't this troll's
first assertion.

It's perfectly consistent with 'my first assertion'.
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
David Maynard wrote:
"Technically you can't return it after you've ripped off the shrink
wrap before you even get to cutting the UPC off."

Once you apply for a rebate, you won't be able to return the

Of course not because, for one, you've damaged the packaging and, two,
you've eliminated anyone else from getting the rebate and, three, they
can't even scan the dern thing for restocking. Not to mention, what in the
world makes you think you're entitled to a rebate "Once you apply" and to
also return the item?

So make up your silly mind before you cut up the thing.
On the other hand, most things except software can be

You better read up on return policies because software ain't the only thing
you can't return after opening. And, as I said, "technically" you can't
return something after opening the shrink wrap, some stores liberal return
policy notwithstanding. And that's why I said "technically" because a store
can always decide to be more accommodating than required.

But the fact remains there's nothing about a rebate that "prevents" you
from returning anything. What prevents it is if you're dumb enough to cut
the thing up and *then* decide otherwise but that's no different than
throwing the box away and *then* deciding otherwise, or waiting twice as
long as the return policy allows and *then* deciding otherwise, or any
other dumb thing one might do.
John said:
"You say dumb, I say troll.
You say why and I say I don't know, oh no.
You say you dumb and I say you troll
You troll you troll
I don't know why you say you dumb, I say you troll...
la la la"

Paul McCartney you ain't.
Nil said:
It's not MY bank that determines whether the check is invalid or
it's the issuing bank. Since they agreed to pay out, I'd say the
WAS valid. So, I don't see that my bank has any problem at all.
Actually ALL deposits are 'conditional'. I think it's 30 days for a
domestic check or money order. If the _issuing_ bank doesn't pay
because it's out of date, your account will be charged back the
money + you're going to pay a bounced check fee.
Actually ALL deposits are 'conditional'. I think it's 30 days for a
domestic check or money order. If the _issuing_ bank doesn't pay
because it's out of date, your account will be charged back the
money + you're going to pay a bounced check fee.

That's what I said, although it wasn't clear from my wording. The
"they" in the second sentence referred to the issuer.
Bill said:
I bought a 450 watt power supply at CompUSA and then sent in all the
paperwork to get a $20 rebate. When I got the rebate check I put it in my
wallet and promptly forgot about it.

It says: VOID after 12/30/2005. Has anybody had this problem and figured
out how to get another check. I didn't try anything yet. The check has a
bank name and account number and an address in Clara City MN. Also I still
have a photocopy of the paperwork I sent in to get the check.

TIA Bill S.
Don't worry about it unless it gets rejected which does not happen as
often as you think. Go to the bank and try to deposit or cash it. If
they reject it try another bank. Just don't wait any longer.
They will likely put you on hold for several hours and then accidentally
hang up on
you, if you're lucky.

I've never had the experience you describe. I find that I must call them
occasionally, as not doing so will result in an endless delay, and I believe
the rebate system is geared for this. All rebate instructions have a
stipulation that if you don't receive your check within x-weeks, call or
email the rebate center. I think that in some cases this is a
*requirement*, and if you don't call or email you may not get your rebate.
I keep a database of rebate info and when this date is met the program warns
me and I start calling or emailing. They always reply, "Oh, it's being
processed and will be mailed today or tomorrow!" I always get my check
shortly thereafter.
They take no responsibility for anything lost in the mail.

Never had anything lost in the mail, but in a few cases I've had rebate
centers give me hard time and I called the company that made the product.
In every case they've intervened and a rebate check was soon mailed.
They aren't even responsible for requests allegedly lost in the mail
or proofs of purchase allegedly not included. Having photocopies
doesn't do anything either.

I always send any rebate over about $50 via Certified Mail to have proof of
Bob Davis said:
"John Doe" <jdoe> wrote in message

I always send any rebate over about $50 via Certified Mail to have
proof of delivery.

Proof of delivery doesn't mean proof of contents.

In fact you are at the mercy of the rebate center. If they don't
feel like sending the rebate to you, you don't get it, and there's
nothing you can do about it. It's the shadiest form of marketing.
John Doe said:
Proof of delivery doesn't mean proof of contents.

In fact you are at the mercy of the rebate center. If they don't
feel like sending the rebate to you, you don't get it, and there's
nothing you can do about it. It's the shadiest form of marketing.

You're right, but a corrupt third-party rebate center does not reflect well
on the original product manufacturer, and I have reverted to contacting them
once or twice when problems arose. It worked for me in the past, as most of
these companies don't want to alienate customers over a menial rebate.
I said:
Proof of delivery doesn't mean proof of contents.

And going the other way.

"I ordered an ATI Radeon 9700 Pro from Comp-U-Plus. Eight days later
I received a package that contained a shrink wrapped and sealed ATI
Radeon 9700 Pro box. However inside the box was an ATI Mach 64 PCI
graphics card (a $20 value). As of this writing, the company has
refused to do anything about this. Their customer service simply
doesnt care."
While were on the subject of rebates.

I'm window shopping and noticed some of the merchants
describing their products as "UPC removed carefully".

I guess they are doing the rebate before selling the product.
David said:
John Doe wrote:

It's perfectly consistent with 'my first assertion'.

The original poster was talking about "a 450 watt power supply at
CompUSA", that's what you were replying to.

Message-ID: <11vnk14okflqs09>
... what in the world makes you think you're entitled to a rebate
"Once you apply" and to also return the item?

Where did that bizarre concoction come from?
So make up your silly mind before you cut up the thing.

But in fact you make up your mind even before you purchase the item,
given your consideration of the rebate.
You better read up on return policies because software ain't the
only thing you can't return after opening.

Another bizarre concoction. It's like David Maynard can't even see
the sentence immediately above his reply. What part of "most things"
don't you understand?
And, as I said, "technically" you can't
return something after opening the shrink wrap, some stores
liberal return policy notwithstanding. And that's why I said
"technically" because a store can always decide to be more
accommodating than required.

Another pile of shit. The original poster was talking about a power
But the fact remains there's nothing about a rebate that
"prevents" you from returning anything.

Applying for a rebate prevents you from returning the item.
John said:
The original poster was talking about "a 450 watt power supply at
CompUSA", that's what you were replying to.

No, I was replying to you, back on Feb 22. What did you do? Spend half the
night searching 2 month old messages trying to find something to bitch about?

Where did that bizarre concoction come from?

Right straight from your bizarre concoction complaining you can't return
the thing once you've applied for a rebate.

But in fact you make up your mind even before you purchase the item,
given your consideration of the rebate.

Good. Then there's doubly no problem.

Applying for a rebate prevents you from returning the item.

So much for you making up your mind before you bought it, but then it was
only babble to begin with.

What makes you think you're entitled to the rebate and then also return it?
A freakish troll.

From: David Maynard <nospam>
Newsgroups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt
Subject: Re: Help - my rebate check expired
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 00:34:48 -0500
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
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No, I was replying to you, back on Feb 22. What did you do? Spend half the
night searching 2 month old messages trying to find something to bitch about?

Right straight from your bizarre concoction complaining you can't return
the thing once you've applied for a rebate.

Good. Then there's doubly no problem.

<snip of babble>

So much for you making up your mind before you bought it, but then it was
only babble to begin with.

What makes you think you're entitled to the rebate and then also return it?
A troll who runs away from direct questioning.

From: David Maynard <nospam>
Newsgroups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt
Subject: Re: Help - my rebate check expired
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 07:29:28 -0500
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
Message-ID: <1237e1981brhted>
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You must be providing a self description since I was only replying to
*YOUR* resurrection of a months old thread.