I mentioned Remote Registry.
And your right, if understanding Networking is a problem, Remote Registry Administration
would require the stack to be running correctly and a user account bet setup on the NT based
OS, etc...
It still is a good idea for those who know how to do it, don't you think Zvi ?
BTW: Why are people having problems pronouncing your name, Zion Vuv Yuud ? { LOL }
| > > Are both computers (call them W98 and XP, A and B are meaningless)
| > connected to
| > > the router via network adapter, or else?
| Please try to not break lines of quoted text and keep the format readable in
| your replies. Thanks.
| > What other way is there than a network adapter? XP is infected, 98 is not.
| USB, and plugging the connector to the computer in use, for example. From your
| reply I understand that your computers are actually interconnected through hub.
| > > If the previous, then it should take
| > > just minutes to establish a connection between the two PC.
| >
| > I tried briefly months ago, but couldn't figure out how to connect XP to 98
| > with the info I used from various web sites. I'll be happy to try again.
| Should be straightforward.
| On your XP machine: Specify a unique name to your workgroup (right-click
| MyComputer, properties, computer name). The same workgroup name should be used
| on your Win 98 PC. Still on the XP, the following components should be
| installed and enabled, under "properties" of your 'local area network'
| connection (open network connections, in control panel): Client for Microsoft
| networks, and File & printer sharing for MS networks. Other components function
| properly since you can connect to the web.
| On your W98 PC, open 'Network' in control panel, verify the name of the computer
| and of the workgroup (under the 'identification' tab). The computer name should
| differ from that of the XP, and the workgroup name should be the same as on the
| other PC. Check for the presence of the following components under the
| configuration tab, or add the necessary one if not installed: Client for
| Microsoft networks, and file and printer sharing for MS networks. The other
| components required are installed since you connect to the web.
| Let's review now the properties of your TCP/IP protocol, on W98: IP selection
| should be automatic. WINS should be set to 'use DHCP'. Gateway should specify
| the default (set correctly since you connect to the web). DNS should be
| enabled, with the name of the W98 computer as 'host'. Lastly, in 'bindings'
| both client for MS networks and File sharing should be enabled.
| You'll need your Windows setup CDs for setting the above. After restarting both
| computers, you should be able to access the other PC under "network
| neighborhood", on either PC.
| In order to clean the XP machine from W98, you will need to provide full-access
| sharing to all drives on the XP. This condition is vulnerable. Although the
| router provides firewalling, you should take precautions to avoid further damage
| to that already incurred. Use a strong password when sharing (a random
| combination of eight to ten alphanumerics and special characters), and
| disconnect the line going to the phone or cable connection when working on the
| XP from W98. When done with the cleaning, cancel the sharing of the XP drives
| and disable (don't uninstall) file sharing on both machines (clear the service
| under LAN properties on the XP, and unbind it from the TCP/IP protocol on the
| W98 PC).
| The general plan for cleaning is this: First, run initial cleaning of the XP
| drive(s) from remote (W98). You can use Sysclean and Stinger for the purpose.
| As whatever spoofs XP isn't active on the W98 machine, then there is a fair
| chance that the cleaner will find what you can't see from XP, locally, due to
| malware spoofing and stealthing. Pay special attention to files that the
| cleaner cannot delete on the XP. These could be what initializes the worm /
| root-kit on the XP and the reason it/they can't be deleted is that they are in
| use! Rename these files from remote, and restart XP. See if spoofing stopped
| by running REGEDIT.
| Someone suggested here remote registry administration. Forget it with your
| setup. If you don't know how to establish a network between two PCs then
| installing remote registry to your two PCs isn't for you. Moreover, there is no
| way you can administer the XP registry from Win 98, or vice versa. These are
| two different registry categories which are mutually incompatible.
| After you completed initial cleaning from remote, cleanup XP once more by
| running Sysclean / Stinger, this time locally. Cleaning from remote does not
| revert registry changes on the target machine, only when done from its local OS.
| Lastly, read
www.invircible.com/item/53 to learn about some of the principles
| involved.
| Good luck, Zvi
| --
| NetZ Computing Ltd. ISRAEL
www.invircible.com www.ivi.co.il (Hebrew)
| InVircible Virus Defense Solutions, ResQ and Data Recovery Utilities