help dual booting with Vista/linux

  • Thread starter Thread starter guitardude
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I got it done! I was sweating bullets during the partition shrink because
the progress bar never moved from zero. that is at least I never saw it
move. After 5 minutes of seeing zero percent progress, I laid down and
started reading a book to distract me from watching the bar. Then sure
enough I looked back at the screen after about 10 minutes and it was on the
account import thing. That was a big relief. The grub bootloader worked
fine. I havent booted to the linux yet because I don't have time to start
playing around yet. I will do that tomorrow. I'm thinking about taking my
laptop to my vocational school to show it off. One thing I noticed though,
On the grub bootloader, it shows two Vista/Longhorns. I have been going with
the second one thinking that the first one is the Sony restore partition.
The first time that I selected Vista/longhorn it automatically ran a
chkdisk, im guessing this is normal because of the partition shrink in the
whole install process. If anyone has any ideas on what the first
vista/longhorn selection in the grub bootloader is for, please let me know.
I cannot tell you all how much I appreciate each of your contributions. I
don't blame you if some of you chuckled a little bit at the questions I
asked. I was just completely new to the whole dual booting thing. this has
been a great learning experience for me, especially since I will be going
into computer science as my major. You have all been great!