Help buying a graphics card

Yeah my 6800's are ok but the do struggle at times unless I clock them up, And I dont like doing that

I'm in the market for another card. I think however as things the way the are at the moment I may wait until next year and maybe do a full system upgrade ie
new mobo, gfx, chip, memory etc

My 4200 x2 on my 939 is not really giving me what I need at present partly because im running still on a 32bit o/s we shall see however what the pennies are like over next few months ;)

We seem to have hijacked this thread Sorry!! I will leave it there :)
floppybootstomp said:
£130 - £150 may not be much wonga to you matey but to some peeps that is actually their whole graphics card budget

Blimey do folk spend that much . I just finished building a pc for £150 and that included flashing lights and clear case sides .
Yes mate they do

The last case was £70 before PSU and thats a cheap one

This upgrade alone CPU, GFX, Memory, Mobo cost me just short of £700 if I remember correctly

Mad innit
I've found a "BFG NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS OC 640mb PCIE 8800GTS CARD" for £229.90, that's the same as before but a bit more pricey, right?
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Sorry to double post, but I'm still in need of help. I can't seem to get my head around what's what. You have a "EVGA e-GeForce 8800GTS 640 MB PCIe Video Card" and a "BFG NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS OC 640mb PCIE 8800GTS CARD". Two things with a different name. But, technically, they're the same thing, aren't they?
They're basically the same card but built by different manufacturers, EVGA & BFG.

The BFG card is overclocked and will probably cost a little more.

The cooling arrangements will be different on the two cards as well.

Both are good makes, make your choice either by price, spec (speed), looks or cooling arrangement.

I have the BFG one myself, very happy with it.
Thanks, I think I may go with the BFG. Which one is faster, anyway? I can't seem to find any reviews or comparisons.
A big mistake people make is not checking it will fit in their cases first CHECK DIMENSIONS.

These cards are not far off the length of a sheet of A4 paper make sure nothing is obstructing the rear end and the power sockets before you buy it!!!!
The GTS's length is not so bad, a little smaller than an ATX mb iirc, about ~23cm. The GTX is a big bugger at ~27cm, but Nvidia had the good sence to put the power connectors on the top and not the side to make it easier to fit in to your case.. :)

This pic in the gallery i posted is a good comparason between the two. :)

Thanks a billion, once again. I'm going to buy the BFG soon, but first I've got to check it fits!
V_R and TD what a combination :) cant make a joint company name via those 4 letters (lol)..

Top Men :wave:
Apparently, it fits. Whilst searching this stuff, I found you can have an OC or an OC2. With, from what I know, the OC2 being slightly faster. So, on my quest for the OC2, I can't find them. Anybody know of any sites I may be able to buy one from?

BFG Geforce 8800gts 640mb OC2, I think it is.

Thanks again.
Just buy the normal one, save the cash and overclock it. ;)
They're the same card, both will oc the same kind of speeds. The OC2 is just bios flashed to the slightly higher speeds over the OC version. Same as the OC version is bios oced to the higher speeds of the standard card. They are only clocked a very little amount, not much of a difference to worry about Use Rivatuner to oc the card and up the fan speed to 80%, the fan will still be silent but it will cool a lot better, about 5-10 less if your lucky and have good case cooling. I had my old BFG 8800GTS 640mb OC clocked to 650/1000 (2000 DDR) and it still stayed below 70C witha 80% fan profile.
