Help Build Adywebb A New Rig!!

Suse 10 (it's great) or Mandriva 2006, both available as ISO downloads to burn DVD's.
Adywebb said:
Thanks for the info Mucks - safer to stick with what I've got I think!

Whilst your mentioning linux (again!:p ) - I'm thinking of binning windows on my old 950 Duron/512MB RAM machine which is only used for crunching, and giving it a go to speed it up a bit, and learn something about it.

As a total newbie, what would be the simplest distro for me - bearing in mind all the machine will be doing is crunching?
haha ... I only know one 'distro' that works for me ... Suse.

I downloaded the Suse EvalDVD 10 ... it has both 32/64 bit OS ... so no need for me to 'find' anything else when I put my Xmas present together.

If both Floppy and me can use it ... so can you. I'm missing a case and my old system will be back up and running once more ... with Suse Linux.

A 950/512 will 'fly' and be more than happy churning out WUs ... :thumb:

I strongly sugest getting the DVD as it has ALL you need and more ... there is a little bit of work to do in setting-up the reposotories but once that is done installing via YaST is easy ... and 'YOU' (yet onother updater) will tell you when updates are available.

Linux is designed to run 24/7 and has "cron" jobs that tidy-up around 3am ... no need to re-boot even when updating the 'kernel' ... does it all on the fly.

I may only use 1% of its power, but I'm well pleased with 'my' efforts. :D

There are some anoying aspects ... it I have 20/25 tabs open on FF it tends to close on me. LoL

Go for it ... nothing to loose AND ITS FREE
oh for the love of mike ...

christopherpostill said:
You can run 2 simultaneous instances of the UD software though... hmm

Ah well :)
yes Chris ... you CAN have two running, but I assure you, they will NOT be running 100% ... in fact you WILL reduce the output by 30% ... yes, you will have 2 running, but the bloody thing is NOT a dual-core 64bit program.

But you do as you please. ;)
Thanks Flops and Mucks - sounds like Suse10 is the way to go - then you can both help me!!:p (mind you I've read your linux help thread at BBT Flops:eek: )

Wheres the best place to download it, and is it free?:)
They're both free. I actually downloaded the five Suse 10 CD's from Grogan's private server, but the DVD version is out there, just Google or something.

And when you install it, take notes from that BBF thread, a lot of good advice there.

It will be frustrating for a whiles, until you have everything installed, but when it all works, it really is quite amazing :)
Thanks Flops - I'll search and download it tomorrow - then it will be a new thread and question time begins!!:D
well, I'm getting toooo old for this job ... need to bend more ;-)

christopherpostill said:
You can run 2 simultaneous instances of the UD software though... hmm

Ah well :)
OK, I have done some more 'research' and it looks as though you can use Boinc for Windows AND utilise a dual-core CPU to indeed run two concurrent WUs

I stand corrected ... but I am unable to verify if this actually works, as I do not have a DC CPU ;) ... there are still some 'problems' but if you wish to try it out then have a go.

Please note ... we are talking AMD Dual-Core CPUs here, NOT Intel's HTT ... :thumb:

Ahh! Thats what i originally thought !!

Use a program for windows called UD Tweak. Lets you use dual core.
Adywebb said:
AMD 64 X2 3800+ Manchester
Asus A8N-Sli Premium
2GB Corsair XMS3200PT RAM - matched pair
2 x Samsung Spinpoint 80GB SATA II (Raid0)
1 x Samsung Spinpoint 160 SATA II
Leadtek Winfast PCX6600GT
Plextor PX-130A DVD-ROM
Thermaltake Soprano Case
Hiper TypeR 580W PSU


nice specs there Adywebb!

im thinking of building a system it will be similar to yours ( please see my other thread)

1. so what was the hardest part for u when u built it?

2. and how is that motherboard? u liking it?

3. looking at your specs im sure it must be have cost u well over 500 quid, cuz your cpu on its own is retailing at around 250quid!!how much did u spend then?

Dude... read the entire thread... he already said :

"£950 inc. - but to be honest I didn't really shop around, got it all from overclockers."
christopherpostill said:
Dude... read the entire thread... he already said :

"£950 inc. - but to be honest I didn't really shop around, got it all from overclockers."

lol thanks

i musta read abt 4 pages then i posted

wow thats a lota money man!

psd99 said:
lol thanks

i musta read abt 4 pages then i posted

wow thats a lota money man!


Yep it is alot of money, but I can afford it!:p

Probably could of saved £50 or so by shopping around, but wanted to have it all arrive at once - ordered at OC's at 2pm and arrived 10am next day all complete and working.

As I said earlier, the mobo is excellent and easy to set up - only issue that arose was setting up a striped array as I had never done it before, but there are alot of online support threads around so its not a real problem :thumb: