

Pete Stavrakoglou

Bruce Chambers said:
Pick up nearly any history book. Ever hear of the Crusades? How about
the Spanish Inquisition? Or a little thing called the Holocaust?

For more edification:



Although the Crusades and the Inquisition were supposedly perpetraed "in the
name of God", they have nothing to do with the pure tenets of Christianity.
These acts were done by people, imperfect people as we all are but some
worse than others. Nowhere in scripture is there any evidence that these
acts were in adherance to real Christianity. As for the Holocaust, what
gave you the idea that this was "Christian" act? The Holocause was done in
the name of the Aryan race, not Christ. There were millions of Christians
who were murdered in addition to the millions of Jews. Just because a
culturally Christian nation does something, that does not make the act to be
done in the name of Christ. It takes a lot more than being born into a
Chrsitian country or family to be a true Christian. BTW, those sources you
cited are far from objective.

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