Hello you ... good to see you at our humble abode ... ;-)
Yup, it is nice ...
But not as easy as you make it sound ... I need to learn where the "tools" are before I can use them, then I need to learn HOW to use them.
Lets just take the monitor "problem" as an example.
I just shut down and changed over to the TFT/LCD ... I do like what I see. Now, because I'm old and have no 'manuals' I'm using Windows's way of doing things ... yes I know, but, it is interesting to find "right-click" works.
Everybody is quick to point out snazzy new words but forget to actually tell you what/where/how in the first place ... a good example was usalug telling me to open a 'Terminal' ... where here on Suse you use Konsole, fortunately I knew what he ment AND Suse tells you Konsole is a Terminal.
I'm trying to "think outside the Box" but get very frustrated with myself when I hit a brick wall ... again, using the monitor 'problem' as an example ... I cannot delete/remove the old monitor, it wont let me. I need to get that sorted before I can be confident in setting up the fonts and other relations to the monitor. Any help on this would be greatly appricated.
I was very pleased at myself at download, installing and setting up of Mozilla Email ... however, where is it now? Damed if I can now find how to run it after closing down last night ... I can see where the files are, but where is the 'run' program in the "start bar" ... I'm back to using Konker,
my word, it's actually KMail which is part of Konquerer. There is an Email Icon you can add in Firefox ... it doesn't do anything, try as I might, it's just a pretty Icon with nowhere to go.
I have a whole host of other little niggles, but those two are my priority for the moment ... get the correct monitor to be recognised and intrigrate Mozilla Email into Mozilla Firefox ... and that last one is a strange thing to say ... one should have seen the other, surly? Outlook express is NOT part of Internet Explorer, but you get a little Icon though.
Thanks for stoppng by ... pop in now 'n then wont you.