Hello from Suse 9.3


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I broke it within 35 seconds. :D

Good job it's only a "live" DVD ... dam yanks, my keboard is set for US English ... now where can I change that?

I brok it again ... :mad:

Ah, wait for the DVD drive to catch up ... dam its slow off the DVD :rolleyes:
Those Linux Live DVDs are great :D Especially Knoppix!
Ian Cunningham said:
Those Linux Live DVDs are great :D Especially Knoppix!
Not this one ... it took 4 mins to open the "start" menu ... you know what I mean. :mad:

I rebooted 3 times untill I realised ... :rolleyes:

Suse's Live DVD did not use my HD as Knoppix seems too ... might be because Knoppix I have is only a CD.

You just can't use it ... the only thing that "worked" was getting on the web via Firefox. :rolleyes:
Ok, I'm back ... I really do like this SuSe, but ... I cannot seem to get anything working. :confused:

I put the DVD this time in the DVD-RW ... at least now it is more responcive.

BUT ... There is ONLY US English, no way I can see to change the keyboard layout and although I can see the HDs & CD drives it won't READ them.

I thought the idea was so you could try out Linux, in this case Suse, to see how you would like it.

Anybody know why nothing works ... well the Internet does. :rolleyes:
SUSE makes the live version of SUSE LINUX available for download as an ISO image. This version runs entirely from the bootable DVD and is not installed on the hard disk.

If you want to get to know SUSE LINUX or test if your hardware is fully supported, the live version is the right choice for you.
Yep my 'hardware' looks as though it is supported ... shame I cant use any of it to test if it actually works?

Dam small font size here too ... I need a microscope ... :o
Just stick with Knoppix if you are running it live, or perhaps even Lindows Live? :)
Ian Cunningham said:
Just stick with Knoppix if you are running it live, or perhaps even Lindows Live? :)
No fun in that ... I have the full DVD just wanted to see how it works.

oops ... can't insert smilies in this Konqueror browser? Oh 'ang on ?? nope, did not work ... you'll have to tell vB they need to fix it. ;-)

Edit, using Firefox ... :D
In the installable versions of SuSe

Open up Yast > Hardware > Keyboard > English (UK)
Should set things right for you on the keyboard issues.

As for the fonts being small, for some reason SuSe likes to start your screen at it's maximum settings.

Using yast again
Yast > Hardware > Graphics card and Monitor > (adjust screen resolution here - should fix the font issues- normally the resolution is set REALLY high and needs to be adjusted down)

Hope that helps some.
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Hey! where did you come from ... I'm supposed to go over there and err, anoy you with questions.


{Muck Mode on}
Hello, and wellcome.

Thanks for the tips ... but I was using the "Live" DVD offering from Suse ... it doesn't let you 'play' with any settings :rolleyes: you could not 'change' anything, real silly that.

Nearly Installed the Full DVD today, made a start by formating the second HD (80gig be enough?) but got side-tracked ... no, I chickend out. :o

Now when I find your website, and after some more reading, and a bottle of scotch, I may well take the plunge. :thumb:

But the fence is getting rickity. :D
Take the plunge :)

It's a learning curve, I won't deny that, but it is sooooo worth the effort. With the slick installers, and the nice KDE desktop interface, it's very easy to get started. :)

I found you fellas on the Find-A-Drug forums/stats pages, thought i'd pay you a visit. You know, make sure you had an active Linux forum and all that LOL. Nice place, I'll try to make a point of visiting you from time to time.
I will I will, quit pushing. :D

My biggest worry is I can't remember all the passwords to everything ... email addies, banking and the likes.

So I'll cheat, as we do, and dual boot for a spell. ;)

Ah, now why din't I look in your sig' the first time. :rolleyes:
Mucks, you're funny. :D

I'm here on Mepis Linux. It's one you might want to try, as it it can be run from live cd or installed once you know your hardware will work.

I now run 1 Windows tower and all the rest run Linux, so if I can do it, I know you can. (but we are talking about Mucks here... hmmm.. ) :D

I also run Ubuntu on my AMD64, although I like Mepis better, they don't offer a 64bit version yet.

Btw, the smilies here don't work for me on my Windows machine, or maybe it's just IE?
Mepis Linux ... oh no, you mean I got more reading ... you know I'm going blind ... ok, I'll look that one up, but don't hit me if I still choose Suse, I like the name. :D

I can do it, I can do it ... just let me find all my passwords ... mind you, I could just ask them to send me new ones. :cool:

"Btw, the smilies here don't work for me on my Windows machine, or maybe it's just IE?" LoL, they don't work in Konqueror either. :p

Think I got a BIG day tomorrow ... ;)
No luck then, Mucks? :(

I tried SuSe 10 beta and it wouldn't install for me either. That's why I use Mepis or Ubuntu.
Nope ... only took 30secs to tell me there was a problem ... I don't know what you call it, some check it makes "md" something?

Oh, I hope you don't get into trouble at your place, but I thought that was a wee bit OTT ... we got rules here, but I'm the only one that can be sarcastic enough to use them ... Ian knows me by now, I can go off sometimes, but I don't mean too, and I do care ... I've re-read some of my posts here, and even I am embarrassed at what I wrote, but fortunately they seem to put up with this Grumpy Old Git.

I thought I was in for a nice day when the postie buzzed me at 8.10 this morning with a nice new toy ... but ... Oh heck, I'm rabbiting and it aint YOUR fault ... forgive me. :o

We’ll get back to Linux now :D … I’m going to try another download, and see what happens. :D

Linux is going on this PC sometime in the next few days or I'll ... I'll cry. ;)

What Time is it over there ???
muckshifter said:
Nope ... only took 30secs to tell me there was a problem ... I don't know what you call it, some check it makes "md" something?

Oh, I hope you don't get into trouble at your place, but I thought that was a wee bit OTT ... we got rules here, but I'm the only one that can be sarcastic enough to use them ... Ian knows me by now, I can go off sometimes, but I don't mean too, and I do care ... I've re-read some of my posts here, and even I am embarrassed at what I wrote, but fortunately they seem to put up with this Grumpy Old Git.

I thought I was in for a nice day when the postie buzzed me at 8.10 this morning with a nice new toy ... but ... Oh heck, I'm rabbiting and it aint YOUR fault ... forgive me. :o

We’ll get back to Linux now :D … I’m going to try another download, and see what happens. :D

Linux is going on this PC sometime in the next few days or I'll ... I'll cry. ;)

What Time is it over there ???

Checksums.. means you got a bad download. Corrupt somewhere.

Yeah, the Linux forum wants to keep sigs limited to text sig, distribution only, to keep their bandwith managable.

What new toy did ya get? :D

Oh yeah, you're about 6 hours ahead of me, timewise.
Yeah, that was it, and I used 3 DVDs before I found a ISO burning program that was easy to use ... I gave up on my OEM Nero.

"Toy" ... I don't have a TV, not had one for a while, and I mentioned that somewhere on the forum ... well I was offered, and I accepted, a brand new spanking ADS Tech DVB-T TV card, which arrived in the post this morning ... and we think we got Linux drivers for it too. :thumb:

6hrs ... You are up early then. :eek:
I think I used CDBurner XP Pro for my first Linux cd. Then I used a Linux cd/dvd burning program (K3B) to do the others, and it made it a lot easier.

The SuSe that I tried was a beta and the checksums were good. It just wouldn't install on the tower I tried it on. Probably had some hardware it didn't like. :rolleyes:

Good luck with your toy then. I was going to build a media center pc at one point. Even bought the video/tv card I needed and Windows Media Center OS. That was when Windows Media Center OEM first came out for sale and then I found out that WMC is very picky about the hardware. I had a hard time finding any information on it's requirements, etc.
Seems it wasn't supposed to even be sold as a stand alone OS. I don't even think I tried it after that. Sold off the OS and tv card.
:thumb: CDBurner XP Pro ... that's it, that's the one I got, nice 'n easy for me, and free too.

I'm downloading CD 1 of 5 ... cant find the DVD version? ... are you saying I only need the first one?
You need all 5, Mucks. Depending on what you want installed, most times it asks for cd # whatever.

I just meant the first Linux distribution I burned, I burned with CDBurner XP Pro. It was a 1 cd version.

I follow DistroWatch, and try out other flavors, so I have a few different versions and distros of Linux.