Healthy snacks?

If you like your peanuts roasted but want to avoid the high salt then do it yourself! Stick 'em on a pan in the oven, a light brushing of oil on the pan (pastry prush type thin-ness) roll the nuts around & bung them under the griller. shake the pan around every time you think about it & keep a close eye on as it doesn't take long, then, if you want to, a touch of salt just for taste. can do with cahews as well. might take a couple of tries to get it just right. The time between cooked & burnt is short. When you take them out of the oven they'll be sort of soft & chewy, but leave them to cool down a couple of mins &... yum.
I used to make a snack like that with bits of chopped up dried fruit & some rolled oats mixed in. A bit like a home-made toasted museli only bigger I suppose.

Also... as for salt. When they tried to repeat all those lab tests showing how bad salt was for your heart over here they got NO correlation at all! & being puzzled they tried to replicate the experiments many times. Turned out that it was because salt over here is iodised. So if you can get yourself some iodised salt then you can enjoy to your hearts content. Will still make you retain fluid though.

Another one is Nachos. Although buy the proper Nachoes/Tacos not the party corn chips... the salt in those will put you in a cardiac ward very fast. But if you want a quickie snack without too much hass then chop up an onion, chuck in a tin of chopped tomatoes & whatever herbs & spices you like (by the way... chopped olives go great in this) & pour it over your nachos (these are whole corn & oven baked) a quick grating of chese if you like it. & you've got a very quick & very filling snack/light meal. The leftover tomato mix, because it has very few ingredients, just bag it & freeze it & you can zap it in the microwave for next time or chuck it in with just about anything tomatoey or pour it over your next baked potato. Very quick & very versatile.

Another bit of random trivia... turns out dark chocolate (not dairy milk chocolate) is good for you. Up there with your two cups of coffee & glass of red wine for healthy & extended living. Bit of a bummer really as I can't stand chocolate, coffee gives me the jitters & I can never afford a good red wine... & cheap red wine is just yuck :rolleyes:
Now if they'd discover that cheese was good for me.... :nod:
TriplexDread said:
OMG a woman that cant stand chocolate Holy Crap!!!

Is that really possible? lol

yeah, I know, John's 2nd boy once told me I can't be a Kendrick & not like chocolate, but I really don't like it. I've got two blocks in my cupboard at the moment that people gave me as gifts & that I don't know what to do with since John swore off chocolate early this year. Don't really like much in the way of sweet stuff at all & I don't like cream either. disgusting stff. Like eating pure fat.
But give me cheese! & just about anything with cheese in it or on it... now that's my sin!
Had to quit cheese to drop a few pounds for the wedding :(
Life just ain't been the same since :(
TriplexDread said:
Hold on you dont like Cream but you love Cheese?

Hmmm, dont say another word ;)

Hey, I never said I was rational!

But cheese.... yummmmmmmmm!

Cream..... Blurrrrk!
I don't even like blue top milk :o
tastes disgusting & leaves blobs of fat floating around on the top of your cup of tea... gross out!

Maybe it's cos cheese has taste :p

I'm definitely a salt-a-holic! :rolleyes:
DIY Sport Drinks

It depends on what your body needs, re-fueling straight after the gym is different for each person. A banana would be good as is some isotonic drinks, i make my own up as it's cheaper, all you need is:

1 litre unsweetened orange
1 litre of water
And a pinch of salt
x 2 Empty 1 litre bottles

Pour 0.5 litre of orange into a 1 litre bottle & add 0.5 litre of water and add salt.
Shake well and chill before you use it, before you drink shake it again. This is the same as buying an isotonic drink and much cheaper. And does not have the high levels of sugar as some drinks have.